Love, Love, Love

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It's been a whole three months since I started taking testosterone. Everyone's been supportive and my mom can't stop taking about her 'two handsome boys'. I never expected anyone to be so supportive which really makes me happy. I got a job working at Showtimes along with Santana. Things could not be better with us. We're getting married in two months and I can't be happier

I've cut my hair down to a mullet which Santana loves. I have a slight beard which I trim down since it's been growing in fast. When we lay in bed she runs her nails across it and it's weirdly calming. I've gotten a couple of tattoos which Santana also loves. I have a dragon running from my right shoulder all the way down to my wrist. I've got a couple of minor ones so that they didn't hurt as much as the dragon cause I swear I was bleeding

"Okay nope. Just cause Kurt's not here doesn't mean you get to pick the movie" I say grabbing the remote from Rachel. "It's my house!" she shouts and I scoff. "I pay most of the rent!" she rolls her eyes and sits back in the couch. "Thank you" I start to look through the list of movies that we've rented to find out that they're all horrible. I go to my room and grab my DVD case

"Alright. So I've got Pitch Perfect, Divergent, Hunger Games, The Breakfast Club, Harry Potter franchise, Legally Blonde-" I get cut off when Rachel grabs Legally Blonde. "That's the one" she runs over and puts the disk into the player. The door slides open revealing Santana and three milkshakes. "Hey losers. Okay Rachel you've got vanilla. Boring. Shawny here's your oreo" I take mine and place it on the table in front. I pull Santana to sit next to me and I kiss her nose. "Was it busy?" I ask and she shakes her head. "It was actually pretty empty in there. Which is suprising cause that's like the most popular place around this time of year" I smile and rest my head on her shoulder. "Looks like you missed me"

"I did. A lot. Rachel's loud" I say and Rachel scoffs. "I'm loud? Santana, your fiance was annoying the hell out of me. He was screaming the lyrics of The Brightside forever. Couldn't even get them right" I chuckle while and Santana looks over at me. "That's Shawn for you. Now both of you shut up so we can watch this movie"


"You two are late!" Gunter shouts as we walk through the door. "Yes, yes, I know, sorry, Gunther" Santana says rolling her eyes. "I'm gonna go and help Jordan unload the truck. I love you" I quickly make my way to the storage room where Jordan's sitting on the stool. "Finally. Man I was waiting forever"

"No you weren't" she shrugs and opens up the garage door. "How much shit is there today?" I mumble opening up the back of the truck. "Jesus" it's fucking full. I groan and grab the box marked 'frozen fries'. I bring it over to the freezer and stick it inside next to the other boxes. "Dude they filled this fucking truck" Jordan groans

After about 45 minutes we finally finished unloading the truck. "Hey beautiful" I kiss Santana's cheek and she smiles. "Hey you two. You finished with the truck?" Jordan nods and sits down on the stool across from me. "So the wedding's in two months and I don't know what suit to buy" Jordan says making me laugh. "Why don't you come with us next week. We're going for our fittings. Plus you're supposed to match the brides maides since you couldn't get a date" I tease and she punches my shoulder. "Fuck off"

𝔹𝔼𝔸𝕌𝕋𝕐 ~ S. LopezWhere stories live. Discover now