I Do Pt. 1

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"Shawn!" I hug Rachel tightly and she tackles me to the couch. "Okay" she sighs and looks up at me. "So... I hear you've got a smoking hot boyfriend" she rolls her eyes and sits up. "Stupid Kurt. No we're not dating. Just-"

"Fooling around?" I ask and she nods. "Jeez Rach. What happened to you? Can I just say this look- it's awesome" she smiles widely then Santana walks up. "Hello Rachel"

"Hello Santana" there seems to be tension. Like a lot of tension. Not the good sexual kind. "So how's New York?" Santana asks sitting next to me. "It's good" I look down trying not to make eyecontact with the two girls. "And how's the man whore"

"San!" she shrugs and I sigh. "His name is Brody. And he's fine thank you for asking. Now if you'll excuse me I need to meet with Finn" she stands up and I smile softly at her. "I'll text you later?" she nods and then quickly walks off. "Walk away bitch" Santana mumbles and I glare at her. "What?" she asks with a slight frown. "Seriously? She just got back and I couldn't even talk to her? Really?" she sighs and looks down. "She cheated on Quinn"

"So has everyone she's ever dated. But why do only have to do that to Rachel?" she sighs and I take her hand. "You used to get a long with her. What's the real reason?" 

"It's obvious she likes you. The way she latched onto you, and how as soon as I walked up she gave me that bitchy face. Or when she would call you every single night just to talk" I raise my eyebrows and lean back. "You done now?"

"San I don't want Rachel and she doesn't want me. We're best friends, she's like my sister. We lived together for a whole year remember? We would do that every night. She would come into my room or I would go into hers and we'd talk about our days. It was something nice between the two of us. I don't wanna be with Rachel. I'll promise you that. I love you and only you. You're the girl I'm marrying. And Rachel is gonna be right next to me when I say 'I Do' and you say it too. Okay?"

"Okay. I love you so much" she mumbles resting her head against mine. "I love you too pretty girl" I kiss her softly with a smile on my face


"So he kissed Ms. Pillsbury?" I ask slightly confused. "Yeah. Why her?" Rachel asks shoving ice cream into her mouth. "Well... I mean" I chuckle slightly and wiggle my eyebrows. "You're gross" I frown and sit back. "Well then"

"Oh Shawny no" I put my hand up and she gives me a look. "If you don't appreciate me then I'll leave"

"Shawn you invited me" I look around then smile. "Oh yeah! Leave" she looks shocked but then I give her a smile. "Jesus. I got scared for a second. You owe me another ice cream" I raise my eyebrows and hand her 5 bucks. "Get me one. Cone this time" she nods quickly then rushes off. I feel one hand over my eye and I look up. "Hey Q!"

𝔹𝔼𝔸𝕌𝕋𝕐 ~ S. LopezWhere stories live. Discover now