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"Well I wish you were gonna be here" I say playing with the pockets on my jeans. "I know Shawn. Quinn's gonna be there. I just can't" I sigh and cross my legs. "Alright Rach. I gotta go but I'll talk to you soon. Bye Kurt"

"Bye Shawn! Use protection!" Rachel hangs up and I raise my eyebrows. I haven't used protection in forever. Wait. Birth Control. I sigh looking down at my hands

"Are you okay?" I look up seeing Marley and I shrug. "What's wrong?"

"Well, my entire life I've spent Thanksgiving with my family. Then we moved to Kentucky the end of my junior year. Then senior year I moved back here and lived with Rachel. I haven't spent another Thanksgiving with my actual family in a year. Rachel became my second family and now she's not coming back and I don't know- everything just feels... off"

"I'm sorry Shawn. Who are you spending it with this year?" she asks with a frown. "Santana's family. I love them I just miss mine. I haven't seen my mom since August. It's November. I haven't seen my sister and my brother since June" she sighs and then stands up. "Well what about this. Aren't you gonna be in Louisville?" I nod and she smiles. "That's close to Kentucky. After you go back, go see your family"

"That's a good idea. Thanks Marley" she shrugs with a smile. "That's what I'm here for" I hop off the piano and grab my phone. "Oh shit Santana's gonna kill me. Uhm I'll see you tomorrow. Promise" she nods and I rush out towards the car. "There you are. God you take forever" I furrow my eyebrows and walk towards her. "Are you okay?" she nods pursing her lips together. "San what's wrong?"

"Why didn't you tell me you missed your family? We could've gone there for thanksgiving. I don't wanna take you away from them" I shake my head and pull her towards me. "You're not I promise you. I didn't tell you cause I didn't really understand what I was feeling until today. I'm really sorry San. And it's not just my family I'm missing" she gives me a look and I lean against the car. "You know me and Rachel got close. She became like my sister and I miss her. I haven't seen her in a month. And being back here is making it worse. But I don't think I could do thanksgiving with them" she laughs and looks up at me. "Are you sure that's it"

"I'm sure love. I can't wait to spend thanksgiving with Marisol, Alejandro, Alex, Alexis, and your awesome mom" she smiles and kisses my nose. "Alright let's go" I open the door for her allowing her to get in. I make my way to the other side. When I get in I'm met with a big kiss. I smile into it putting my hand on the back of her neck. 

"Alright now let's go" she says fixing her hair. I clear my throat starting the car. I shift in my seat and make my way to Breadstixx


"So I said, "You girls are gonna need another cup. " Yeah, but, guys, I'd like to propose a toast: To almost all of us keeping our promise to come home for Thanksgiving" we all cling our cups together and I keep twirling my stray in my cup. 

𝔹𝔼𝔸𝕌𝕋𝕐 ~ S. LopezWhere stories live. Discover now