Get Well

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Santana rests her hand on my forehead then frowns. "Please lay back down" I shake my head going to reach for my sweater. "Shawn you're not feeling well you can't go to school like this. I have no classes today. I'm gonna take care of you" she puts down my sweater and leads me to the bed. "Lay down and get some sleep. Please" I sigh as she covers me with the blanket. "You hungry?" I nod slowly and rests her chin on the pillow next to me. "Can I make you soup?"

"Yeah. Wait no carrots. Also, pepper" she smiles and runs her hand over my hair. "Anything else love?" I think for a second then shake my head. "No thank you" she sighs and rests her head against mine. "You get sick and you just get cuter" I blush slightly and she gets off the bed. "Okay you stay here I'll be back" 

I grab my pillow pulling it towards my chest. She turns off the lights and I let my eyes drift close


"Shawn you gotta eat it" she says and I shake my head quickly. "It has carrots" she gives me a look and I give it back. "Ow" I lay back against the bed and pull the blankets up. "You have a headache don't you?" I nod and she sighs. She puts the soup down next to the bed then hands me water and pills. "Take them then I'll come lay with you okay?" I smile widely taking it from her. I swallow them and hand her the water. I lift the blanket making her smile. She lays down and I rest my head on her lap

"You okay?" I nod slowly and press play on the movie. "So is this gonna be our tradition? Whenever you're sick, I lay here with you watching Disney movies?" she asks making me smile. "Yeah! Oh and you bring me ice cream" she smiles running her hand through my hair. "You know I like this. Taking care of you. It's nice" I look up at her and roll myself fully on top of her. "What are you doing?"

"Boobs" I rest my head in her chest and she laughs. "Yeah" I hold on to her waist tightly listening to her heartbeat. "It sped up" I mumble continuing to listen. "It always does that around you" I smile softly. "Hey San" she hums and I look up at her. "Thanks for this. Nobody other then my mom has taken care of me like this in a long time" she kisses my hand with a smile. "I'll always take care of you my love"

"And I'll always take care of ou. Because you're what matters most" I mumble feeling myself start to relax. "You're so perfect Shawn Evans" she sifts slightly then pulls me up. "Hey. I was enjoying being down there"

"I know" she rests her forehead against mine and traces her thumb along my jaw. "But I like seeing you better" I blush slightly while we keep eye contact. I roll myself onto my back pulling her with me. "You're really comfortable but I want you here" she smiles making me smile too. "You're cute you know. Like super cute" she kisses my forehead, then my nose, then my cheeks, and then my lips. "You're such a softie Lopez"

"Yeah well it's hard to be tough around you" I smile pulling her closer to me. "You're really clingy when you're sick aren't you" I nod slowly and she laughs. "I like it. It would have you sick everyday if it means you're always like this" I give her a look and then she shakes her head. "Sorry. Bad analogy. I mean I would just love to lay with you in bed like this all day"

"There you go Lopez" she rolls her eyes with a smile. I stand up with her still holding onto me. "Where are you going?" she asks as I leave the room. "I want ice cream. Don't you want ice cream?" she nods quickly and I open the freezer. "Chocolate, vanilla, cookies and cream, or cookie dough" 

"Cookie dough" I grab it and two spoons. "You know for somone who's sick you're moving a lot" she mumbles and I shrug. "I slept long" I bring her back to the room and sit on the bed. "Which is amazing because sick and morning voice- it's just" I roll my eyes and open the container. "Alright Lopez you go first. Leave half" she nods and I hand her the spoon. "Eh I'm not getting any"

My phone starts to ring making me groan. I pick it up seeing that Quinn's calling. "Hey Q"

"Bitch! You're sick?! Oh my god are you okay? Did you stay home? Is Santana taking care of you? God I'm gonna book a flight" I raise my eyebrows and look over at Santana. "Quinn it's just a fever" 

"Yeah okay. By the way Virgil has bird flu so..." my eyes go wide and Santana grabs the phone. "Listen blondie. Shawn does not have bird flu. Scare her like that I again I will hit you so hard that you'll be a redhead again"

"O-Okay. Bye!" she hangs up quickly and Santana picks up the ice cream. "Puta" she mumbles and I shake my head. "You just love being hot don't you" she nods quickly and I kiss her neck. "Good. Cause I like seeing it"

"Stop teasing me"

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are. You're sick so we can have sex and you know that. But you're giving me neck kisses and making me sit on your lap. Shawn you're fucking hard!" I raise my eyebrows and shrug. "See that smirk on your face" I kiss her neck again and she bites her lip. "You're such a tease"

 "I thought you liked that"

"Oh I do. Just not when I can't do anything about it" I smile and pull her closer to me. She lets out a soft moan and I give her a look. "Shut up and watch the hot blonde bitch"

"You mean Rapunzel?"

"Yeah. That one" I chuckle and rest my head on her back. "I love you so much San"

"I love you too Shawny"


Shorter then usual. I'm sick so I was like 'I want someone to take care of me' but then realized nobody is so I wrote this. Anwayyyyyyyys thanks for reading <33

𝔹𝔼𝔸𝕌𝕋𝕐 ~ S. LopezWhere stories live. Discover now