Original Song

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"Hey" Rachel walks up to me and I smile. "Hey Rach"

"Can I get your opinion on something?" I nod and she pulls me to the choir room. "Come and sit down. These are for you, just in case. it's pretty emotional. Don't be afraid to if you need to." she hands me a box of tissues and I raise my eyebrows. 

"It's called "Only Child." "

"Yeah, I got that. And it is emotional but you can't relate to everyone with that song. Think of every popular song that came out in the last like ten years. They're all about heartbreak. You can't tell me that you've never had your heartbroken"

"I have" she says and I motion for her to sit next to me. "You need to tap into the pain and emotion from that heartbreak and that's how you can write the greatest song. Cause I know that you can do it"

"You think so?" she asks and I nod. "I know so. Because you are very talented. So just use some of that talent from your countless amount of solos and just write"

"Can you help me?" I look over and smile. "You want my help?"

"Yeah. You seem really good at this stuff so I just thought-"

"Sure. I'll help you. We are going to write the best song ever written. Well for two high schoolers. Cause then we'd have to beat Beyonce. And nobody can beat Beyonce" I say making Rachel laugh.

"Hey did you want to come over? I mean that's how we could work on the song" I nod and she smiles. "Okay great! Meet me in the courtyard after school" 

"Sure thing boss" she giggles and I stand up. "I have to go but I'll see you later" she nods and I turn around. I make my way to math class and I find Santana waiting outside of it. "Aww are you waiting for me?"

"No. I'm waiting for Brittany" I look into the class and see that Brittany's already in there. "You're a liar. Look" she peaks her head in and then sighs. "Fine I was waiting. I've missed you we haven't seen eachother in forever."

"Santana we saw eachother yesterday. Remember? We went to your house, had lots of fun, then I kissed you goodnight because I had to go home"

"I still missed you" she says with a frown. "I missed you too my love" we walk into the classroom and take a seat next to a happy looking Brittany. "Guys your idea worked. She loved it. And I didn't go inside"

"Yes!" she smiles and I feel two arms wrap around my waist. I down and see Santana has her eyes closed and she has her head on my chest. I rest my arm around her and pull her closer. I feel her rub her thumb against my back and I smile. 


"Guys, I've got some bad news. You know how we decided on "Sing" by My Chemical Romance for Regionals. Well, I hold in my hand a cease and desist letter from the band. We can't do it." I groan and roll my eyes. "Ugh, it was the perfect anthem."

𝔹𝔼𝔸𝕌𝕋𝕐 ~ S. LopezWhere stories live. Discover now