A Mountain of Problems Pt 2

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Nakano Residence

Ichika: Order in court.

Itsuki: Your honor, please have a look at this. The defendant, One of the Tutors, lost control of his urges in front of a young highschool girl. Defendant L/n... This is you in this photo, is it not?

Y/n: What's with the court vibes? Yes that's me but no I'm not guilty.

Nino was blushing hard and doesn't want to look at him

Nino: Your honor *raises her hand*

Ichika: Yes, Plaintiff Nino-kun.

Y/n: Can't you just take this seriously?

Nino: This guy pretended to leave the apartment with his friends and waited for me to exit the shower.

Y/n: No i did not. That's just false claims.. But seriously why are we playing court trials?

Nino: For his heinous crimes, i request that he barred permanently from entering here.

Y/n: Already with the demands? I did not do it on purpose.

Ichika: I can't say i approve of your actions.

Y/n: *sigh* Ichika i only entered inside to take my pho-

Ichika: Hmm.. *looks away*

Y/n: Really? Fine... Your honor~

She laughs

Miku: Objection. He may look like a criminal, but he's innocent.

Y/n: Why are you saying i look like a criminal? Fuu should be the one who looks like a Criminal. <~ Blaming someone else

Miku: I let him in over the intercom. There's recording too. This was an unforeseen accident.

Y/n: At least your helping me.

Nino: You still taking his side? This guy said it himself! That he's here to take something! To take sneak shots!

Y/n: How can i take a picture when my phone was inside, on the table? Ah, i didn't get my phone.. *proceeds to take his phone*

Miku: You mean he forgot something, he came to get it.

Nino was getting desperate

Nino: Your honor, Miku is defending him due to her feelings for him.

Miku: No you're wrong about that.

Y/n: You're blaming the wrong person, Nino. She doesn't have feelings with me.

Nino: Are you acting like that because you're wary of him?

Miku: I'm not. You're imagining things.

Then Aren came from the entrance

Aren: Sorry for the intrusion.. Y/n how long are you gonna-

Nino:Just so you know, he saw me naked.

Miku: It's not like there's much to see.

Y/n: Pfft-

Nino: Maybe not for you, but there is for me!

Miku: Our bodies are about the same.

Aren: Did something happen?

Y/n: I'm being convicted to a trial

Aren: Trial? What's your crime? Do you have a lawyer?  <~ Went to Jail once

Itsuki: N-Now's not the time to be arguing.

A Quintuplets Of Problems (TQQ X MaleReader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now