The Last Exam Part 3

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Y/n's POV

Aiden: Hey, Y/n.

Y/n: Been a long four years..

Aiden: And you're still a kid.

Y/n: Shut up, old man.

Aiden: I'm 23, dude. I'm still young for my age.

Y/n: Yeah, whatever, i don't care. What is it that you want from me?

Aiden: I came to give you this..

He hands him a black schoolbag.

Y/n: What is this? A replacement for my schoolbag?

Aiden: Check inside.

He opens the zip of the bag and look inside of it.

Y/n: What's this?

Aiden: A mask.

He took out a mask

Y/n: Who's mask is this?

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Y/n: Who's mask is this?

Aiden: ... Yours.

Y/n: Me?

Aiden: It represents your immense durability and power. Everyone knows you as the "God Of War". You fought 200 gangsters on your own without any help and a leader of one of the major gangs in Aichi.

Aiden: It was supposed to be yours when you joined True Aces 4 years ago but you didn't. Now.. You're about to face the largest gang event that has ever seen since the last gang war. Since your gang rise in this city.. And all the events that happened.. The numbers increased.. From 3K to 16K in just 2 weeks.. A new Generation of gang fighters are born.

Y/n: What's that has to do with me?

Aiden: Everything has to do with you. Not Aren. His glory is finished. Yours is next.

Y/n: *chuckles* You think my gang can be like the True Aces?

Aiden: No one can replace the True Aces.. Those who tried has failed. Yours can't replace them.. The past is the past.. You make your own history. And keep your guard up.

Y/n: Why?

Aiden: Cause the Akiyama Family is a dangerous group. It's more serious.. Rules don't apply to them.. So don't expect they play fair.

Then he revs his motorcycle.

Y/n: War has broken out anyway..

Aiden: This war is Nishiyama Family entertainment. The war for the Akiyama Family.. It's not a game.. It's a life and death situation.

Y/n: How do you know?

Aiden: Cause i know how they do their things. Anyway, good luck on your exams.

The roar of motorcycles were heard as Aiden and his group drove away leaving Y/n alone.

Y/n looks at his mask.

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