Legend of Fate Day 1 Pt 1

657 21 15



Fuu and Y/n were walking at the hallway

Fuu was infront reading his flashcards while Y/n was behind him listening to headphones

Y/n: Only in the darkness, I come alive
When I’m crossing to the other side
Tell me if I’m heartless, i apologize
I am not the same every time
I’m changing

Then he felt something was coming behind

Yotsuba: L/n-San!

She was about to bump him until he side step to the left making her bump onto Fuu instead

Fuu: Y-Yotsuba!

Yotsuba: I was about to bump unto L/n-San but he dodged it.. Even though he was listening to his headphones.

Then Miku came

Y/n: I knew something felt off..

Yotsuba: Well! Tomorrow is finally the day!

Y/n: What day?

Yotsuba: You know what day it is! This!

She shows a leaflet

Yotsuba: School Camp! Have you read the leaflets?

Y/n: Don't care..

Yotsuba: It's full of fun events! Outdoor cooking, skiing, fishing hiking, and then... Campfire! And it's Dance of Legend! Any pairs when it ends are destined to spend their lives together! I heard there are a lot of people start dating because of it!

Y/n: Not interested in relationships..

Fuu: Relationships between students are a waste of time.

Y/n: Hmhm *nods*

Yotsuba:  B-but wouldn't you want to date someone you have feelings for? Right Miku?

She didn't respond

Yotsuba: Miku?

Miku: Why do we date people we like?

F&Y&Yt: Eh?

Ichika: That's because you love the person so much, you can't help it. You must have an idea what's that like, Miku.

Ichika arrived

Miku: I-I don't..

Fuu: Right.. Now that we're all here let's start studying.

Yotsuba: Again?!

Ichika: I have a shoot so I have to pass. Actually I sent a message about that to Y/n.

Y/n: Why did you sent it to me anyway.. I won't even bother with the messages I received.. I just ignore them..

Yotsuba: I have to prepare for tomorrow, too...

She then runs away

Fuu: Wait! Jeez..

Y/n: *sigh*

Ichika: Miku. My class has a meeting about the school camp.

She then hands her a wig that looks similar to Ichika's hair..

Ichika: Could you do the "Usual deal"?

Miku: Okay.

She then leaves with the wig

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