Tokai Domination (Extra)

435 12 8

Shuurakuen Park

Buddha statue

5:30 pm

The Five leaders of the Shuurakuen Syndicate are having a meeting

Ichirou: The 54 lords control most of Tokai. They currently have 89 active members and a total of more than 50 members as reinforcements. They're leader is a ruthless asshole who took reign before the Gang War. He brought conflict that included civilians in the crossfire. Against the rules of Gang War. The Nishiyama family has ordered all gangs in the Aichi Prefecture to take down the 54 Lords for good. Problem is not a lot of gangs are obeying as they have other problems to deal with.

Y/n: Then we should bring them down. How many men can we spare?

Arata: Only 47 members are present including us. We might be outnumbered.

Aren: Then we use guerilla tactics. Pick them off one by one by surprise.

Koji: The True Ace's tactics. Good idea.

Ichirou: But their tactics includes hit and run tactics with motorbikes. Most of our men does not have bikes. and at that time, They had more than 100 members.

Y/n: Anyone has a transport?

Arata: I can use my sister's car but i don't think I'm gonna do that.

Y/n: Then we'll ask our soldiers then.

Aren: They hangout at the Oike Park. Most of the Locals and Tourist have been avoiding visiting that park since they've been hanging out there for awhile.

Arata: We'll be doing the people a favor.

Y/n: Then we'll hit that with all of our forces at the end.

They finished their meeting and faced their members.


The members gathered infront of them

Y/n: We have a new objective. The Nishiyama Family has ordered all gangs in the Aichi Prefecture to declare war on the 54 Lords. Since we're the closest, The Yakuza are expecting us to deal with it. Then we'll do it. They have 89 active members including more than 50 members as reinforcements against our 47 members. It's a disadvantage. But we're using a hit and run tactic. We beat the shit out of them and then run after you're done or more of them coming.

Y/n: Now then.. Who has motorbikes?

8 members raised their hands including Kiyomi

Y/n: Okay.. That's lower then i expected.. Anyone has a transport like a car? Doesn't matter if it's your dad's car or whatever.

15 members raised their hands

Member: Do Vans count? *asked a question*

Y/n: Uhh.. Yeah. They count.

He raised his hand

Y/n: 23,24,25.. Alright so 25 members has transport. Should be enough. So that means the other half don't own transports. Then you'll join the ones that has transport. The one with the Van. How many can you fit?

Member: Uhh.. About 7 people in the passenger seat.

Y/n: Then 7 people will join him. The 8 motorbikes will have someone with them. So that totals 16 on bikes. 16 plus 7 is 23.. That should be enough. And the one with the cars. I only need 2 cars. You'll be driving us leaders.

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