A Hidden Side

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<~April 13th~>

Asahiyama Highschool

Classroom 3-1

Y/n's POV

It's April 13th. Fuu's birthday is getting near. And after that, mine. Personally, I don't celebrate birthdays, even if someone remembers it, i just ignore them. All i see about my birthday is just me being alive for 18 years. If nothing happens during that day, then nothing happens.

Right now, I'm just staring at the window while everyone is doing their own business until Miku came to my desk.

Miku: Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah?

Miku: Have you seen Aren today?

Oh, right.. He's in hospital. I didn't told her. If she wasn't told.. Then dad-i mean their dad didn't told them either.

Y/n: Nope, didn't see him today.

Miku: I tried to call him this morning but he didn't respond. Did something happened to him?

Y/n: Probably sick or something that made him absent today.

Miku: I see.. Thanks for reminding me.

I can see the sadness on her face. She definitely wasn't happy that Aren isn't here today. I'm sorry, Miku. But i think he's not gonna be coming in a few days. She walks away from me and went to her desk.

Yotsuba: Ohayo, L/n-san!

Yotsuba then came to my table.

Y/n: Oh, Ohayo..

Yotsuba: Have you seen Shiraga-san, today?

Y/n: I think he might be absent today, sick.

Yotsuba: Oh, really? Then I'll be praying for his recovery then!

Yeah.. You should..

Then Fuu came to me with a tired expression. Wait, are those eyebags?

Y/n: Whoa, Fuu. Did you stay up all night??

Fuu: Yeah.. I've been studying since last night..

Y/n: I think you should rest, dude..

Fuu: What about you? Shouldn't you-y'know what, forget it. I know what your answer is.

Y/n: Man, you gotta pump the brakes. You don't want to get yourself collasping on the floor during class.

Fuu: I know.. But..

Y/n: Fuu, You can continue studying in the library. I'll take over the tutoring.

Fuu: Thanks.. Where's Ren?

Y/n: Oh.. He's not present today. Sick.

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