The Battle Of Port Handa (TCO VS NSY)

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The Abandoned Warehouse..

A day after Miyako's kidnapping..

Aren then arrives to the warehouse with his motorcycle. Minoru greets him.

Minoru: Hey, Aren.

Aren: How is she doing?

Minoru: She's well.. I think.

Aren: Right.. Take me to her.

Minoru: Alright.

Minoru leads him to where Miyako is supposedly hidden. As they entered the room, Kiyomi and Ichirou are inside.

Ichirou: Hey, Aren.

Aren: Hey, it's the badass couple.

Kiyomi: Is that supposed to be a compliment?

Aren: Yes, it is.

He looks at the one side glass. Miyako had her mouth covered by a cloth, and she's asleep.

Aren: *sigh* If there was any other way, I would've chosen it instead of this.

*Phone Rings*

He then looks at a phone ringing on the table. It's Miyako's phone.

Aren: How long has it been ringing?

Minoru: All night. It's her dad. We waited for you to answer it. If it was Y/n, he would've recognized his voice. But yours isn't.

Aren: True.. I haven't talked to Head before. So he won't remember me anyway.

Minoru: Are you gonna answer?

Aren: .. Yeah.

He then picks it up.

Masaru: Miyako?? Miyako?? Where are you?? *on the phone*

Aren: She's asleep, Mr.Nishiyama.

Masaru: Wha-.. Who are you?! Where is my daughter?!

Aren: She's safe with us now. She has a better life here.. Ish.

Masaru: You Bastard. Do you know who I am?!

Aren: Nishiyama Masaru. Head of the Nishiyama Yakuza group. You have a daughter and a son who is head of the Tokyo branch of your group.

Masaru: Then you know that you're messing with the wrong person.

Aren: Oh, we're messing the right person alright. We are the Tsukoyomi. The Criminal Organization that's been taking all of your stuff. Now, we have your daughter. Your heir.

Masaru: What do you fuckers want, huh?!

Aren: We want you to step down as the Head, and your daughter becomes your replacement. We also want the Nishiyama Family to be under our jurisdiction.

Masaru: What makes you think I would agree to such a deal??

Aren: Do you want another reason why you should agree? Then, I'll explain the crimes you've committed.

Masaru: What crimes??

Aren: Murder, Drug trafficking, Gun Trafficking, attempted murder, abuse of power, kidnapping, smuggling. I can keep going if you want.

Masaru: I could say the same for you people.

Aren: We did the kidnapping, not the other ones. Unlike you, we know who you really are, Mr.Nishiyama. How's your wife these days? Oh wait, you killed her. Along with her children.

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