Five Fifth

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Itsuki just got up the rooftop

Itsuki: Finally.. Made it..

Nino: Oh! Itsuki!

Itsuki: Nino.. Why didn't you tell me where this place was?

Nino: Gomen.. I forgot..

Then Miku arrived

Nino: Oh! Miku, you're finally here.

Miku: Stairs.. I hate stairs..

Itsuki: Well at least you're here.. Hm? Miku, are you hurt?!

She noticed the bandage

Miku: Oh.. It's fine.. My foot got stepped but Aren bandaged it for me

Nino: Aren? Where is he?

Miku: Oh, he went to find Yotsuba..

Nino: Oh..

Itsuki: Let's wait for them then..

To Futarou


They were watching the fireworks at the Clocktower

Yotsuba: It's pretty!

Raiha: Yeah!

Futarou: Hm.. It is pretty..

He was sitting right next to Yotsuba.

While he was watching the fireworks, Yotsuba was looking at his face.

She then smiles

She tries to get closer


Aren: Futarou..

Yotsuba went to her normal mode

Aren just arrived

Fuutarou: Oh, Aren.. You're here.

Yotsuba: Oh! Shiraga-san!

Aren: Let's go.. I'm taking you guys to the others.

Fuutarou: Oh.. Okay.

Raiha: Where are we going?

Aren: A better view of the Fireworks..

Aren: What was Yotsuba doing?

To Miku

Miku: What's taking him so long?

She then remembers what Aren said to the Surveyors

Aren: We're... We're not couple... Y-yet..

She then see herself from a reflection of a window of the next building

Then remembers what Ichika said

A Quintuplets Of Problems (TQQ X MaleReader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now