Round 1, Fight! (Extra)

392 8 25

Handa city

Y/n and Kyoko along with 50 others were walking at the residential area streets.

Y/n: So, where do we go first?

Kyoko: There's a Official member lives here nearby. He's suspected as a one of the main guys who was responsible for taking most of the Army's wages.

Y/n: Does he have any connection between Michio?

Kyoko: Well, i only know that he was involved in 5 wars alongside Michio but that's it.

Y/n: Who's in command of the Officials?

Kyoko: Leo. Or that's what they call him. He doesn't have a real name. Just that nickname.

Y/n: Is he strong?

Kyoko: He was with Michio since the gang started two years after it was form.. That was before Michio took reign six months later. Maybe it was.. 3 years with him?

Y/n: So you guys are now in your sixth year?

Kyoko: I joined a year ago when Michio saw me fighting 4 perverts all by myself and decided to ask me to join him. I joined to protect myself from them. Oh, we're here.

Infront of them was a simple house.

Y/n: Looks pretty normal to me

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Y/n: Looks pretty normal to me. Is he inside?

Kyoko: He's not. He's currently with his mates at the Official's meeting.

Y/n: Soo.. Do we raid his house?

Kyoko: Yep, just break-in his house and find something useful.

Y/n: With 50 guys infront of his house? Very inconspicuous.

Kyoko: There's actually 6 more house we need to spy on and their meeting place. I say we split our men. My guys know where they're gonna take yours. But this one is more important.

Y/n: Okay..

He then turns to his warparty.

Y/n: We're splitting up. Split into 6 groups. You and you are with me. The others will split into 4-5 guys each group.

Shuu members: Hai!

Kyoko: You all know what to do.

Handa members: Hai!

The members split into 6 groups. 3 Shuu members and 2 Handa members stayed.

Kyoko: Okay, Y/n-kun. You and your guys need to sneak inside to find anything that could be of use.

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