The Shuurakuen Syndicate (Extra)

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A normal looking street


It is quiet. Peaceful. The lights flickers.

Then multiple groups appear facing opposite of eachother. They marched towards the groups infront of them. Each group has their own color. All gangsters.

Red G Leader: KOROSEI!!! (KILL THEM)

Green G leader: IKUZO!!! (LET'S GO)


Purple G leader: Charge at them.

Purple G Cpt: IT'S WAR!!!

Gangsters: SSSHHHAAA!!!

All factions charged at each other

Then they all clashed

All factions fought against eachother. Chaos has started. War has begun.


Next Day

L/n Residence

Living room

Y/n was watching the News

News Host: Our top story is the increasing Gang activities in the Aichi prefecture. Several major gang factions rose up and has been increasing violence throughout the Aichi Prefecture. Hundreds of gang members took the streets against each other. Authorities had begun their retaliation. Unfortunately, The gangs are resisting their arrest and had brought the authorities into a stalemate with hundreds of officers hospitalized and gang members taking the streets in large numbers. The Chief of Police has stated that the increasing violence and gang activity is a sign of a new "Age of Gang War" being made since the last Gang War ended 4 years ago.

Y/n: Gang War.. This is probably Aren's chance to have some fun.

Then his phone rings

He picks it up

Y/n: What?

Aren on the phone: You've heard the news?

Y/n: Yeah.. Gangs activities are being increasing recently..

Aren: Yeah, You want to form a gang? I got some people gathered.

Y/n: You sure?

Aren: Yeah, since you pissed off the Yakuza the other day, I already begun searching people. And I'm inviting you y'know.

Y/n: Sure.. I'm bored anyway.

Aren: Great.. I'll meet you tomorrow. I got some guys I need to introduce. Meet me at the Shuurakuen Park just by the Buddha Statue.

Y/n: Sure..

He hangs up

Y/n: Looks like things are gonna be fun.. *smirks*




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