The Last Exam Pt 1

419 15 5

Infront of the Quints apartment

Fuu was waiting for Y/n and Aren.

Fuu: Where the heck are they?

Y/n: Yo, Fuu!

Fuu: Finally you're hereee....

He saw Y/n with bandages and scratches all over his face and  hands.

Fuu: What happened?!!

Y/n: Uhh.. How should i explain this.. I.. Got ambushed by Gangsters just two days ago.

Fuu: Ehhhh????!!! What did you do?!!

Y/n: Um.. Nothing? Maybe they were pissed?

Fuu: You got beat up and you don't know why??!

Y/n: Yea..?

Fuu: Now that i think you're more dumber than Yotsuba.. *sweatdrops*

Y/n: Hehehe.. Where's Aren?

Fuu: Haven't met up with him yet.

Y/n: Well let's get inside then.

They went up the stairs and ring the doorbell. Yotsuba opens the door

Yotsuba: Ah! It's you guys... What happened to you?!!!

Y/n: Hehehe.. Gangsters beat me up. *puts arm behind his head*

Yotsuba: Ehh...

Y/n: Ojamashimas (Thank you for having us)

Y/n and Fuu enters the apartment.

Itsuki, Nino and Ichika were at the table. 

Itsuki: Oh? Y/n.. What happened to your face?!!

Nino: Did you get in a fight?!

Ichika: There's a lot of them!!

Y/n: I got into a fight with Gangsters..

Itsuki: What did you do?!

Y/n: I.. I didn't do anything particularly..

Ichika: There's gotta be more than that.

Y/n: Well.. I insulted then.

Nino: No wonder you got beat up.

Y/n: Yeah..

Y/n: I suck at lying but lucky to be believable.

Then door opens to see Aren and Miku.

Aren: Ojamashimas.

Fuu: Now you're here.

Aren: Good thing this place was near the train station. How's your face, Y/n?

Y/n: Badly..

Fuu: Wait you knew?

Aren: I saw him got ambushed like 7 gangsters.

Y/n: Good thing you heard me *telepathic*

Aren: If i didn't, they would suspect us *Telepathic*

Aren: But man, this guy knows how to fight.

Y/n: No shit, fighting 200 people a night is extreme as fuck *telepathic*

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