Begin the Offensive Pt 2

412 13 55

Torawai Hot springs

Y/n's POV

It's morning. Y/n opens his eyes.

Y/n: *yawns* Ughh.. Where am i? Oh wait, I'm in vacation..

He sits up and looks around to see his room empty but his belongings.

Y/n: I need to take a bath..

Then his phone rings. He looks at it to see Itsuki calling him.

Y/n: Itsuki?

He picks it up.

Y/n: What?

Itsuki on the phone: Where were you? I've been waiting all night.

Y/n: Eh? That wasn't you last night?

Itsuki: What do you mean?

He then remembers that Aren had suspicions of the Itsuki last night.

Y/n: If that wasn't her.. Then who was that last night?

Y/n: Can we meet up?

Itsuki: I would love to but we're being watched carefully to make sure we don't see you. I don't think i can get out.

Y/n: Hmm... Ah. I know a place.


Hot spring

Y/n was in the bath waiting for Itsuki in the mixed bath. Then he heard a door sliding at the Woman's bath just beside the wall.

Y/n: Bed.

Itsuki: Ham-Hamburg steak. *blushes*

Itsuki answered.

Y/n: *chuckles* Now there's the real meatbun. *smiles*

Itsuki: Don't call me that! *blushes*

Itsuki went in her bath and sat at opposite of the wall just where Y/n is.

Y/n: Last night, I met up with you at the front desk. Said that we're not partners. Basically you said you wanted to stop tutoring.

Itsuki: Eh?

Y/n: I knew it.. Aren was right. It wasn't you.

Itsuki: It could only have been one of my sisters.

Y/n: Strange.. Why did one of them tried to make me stop tutoring her? Does that include Fuu and Aren?

Y/n: Say, any of them looks suspicious to you? And why are they disguising themselves as you?

Itsuki: Oh, about that..

Then the doors slides open from Y/n's side.

Nino: Ara.

Y/n: Eh?

Nino was there on wearing her towel.

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