Seven Goodbyes Part 3

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Near School

Y/n and the others watching Yotsuba and the track team from the second floor

Fuu: Man, we have exams coming up.

Y/n: Those girls couldn't care less about studying.. Which I kinda respect..

Fuu: Not helping Y/n..

Y/n: Anyways.. Ichika, Have you not gotten in contact with Miku? I can't seem to contact Aren..

Ichika: I think her phone's off. Hang on. She told me where she went.

She then went away

Itsuki: Ichika!

Fuu: If Yotsuba can't say no, you can say no for her.

Itsuki: Eh?

Y/n: You're good at impersonating each other, are you not?

Itsuki: Eh.. I'm not that good at it.. Remember what happened
When I tried to impersonate Ichika?

Y/n: Well it worked but not for long... As soon as Miku arrives, we'll have her wear your track suit and..

Fuu: Yabai.. They're leaving!

Yotsuba and The track team are leaving

Y/n: We need to do it before they get to the station..

Itsuki: But what do we do?

He then stares at her for awhile

Itsuki: Eh? *blushes*

Y/n: Probably gonna work..


Nino's room

Nino: I'm not going home, no matter what.

She was making black tea with a lot of sugar

Miku: You're going to make yourself sick with all that sugar.

Nino: None of your business. You drink old lady tea. You'd never understand.

Miku drank green tea

Miku: Your such a child, not appreciating this refined taste.

Then a popping sound of a can drink was heard

The two Quints look at it

It was Aren opening a coffee can drink

Aren: Try coffee.. It's more better anyway.. *sips*

M&N: No

Aren: Suit yourselves.. *sips*

Nino: Once you two are done drinking. Leave this room. And how did you find my new hotel anyway?

Miku: The other day. I went to your last hotel. I saw you stomping out.. What were you doing with Y/n?

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