Quints Birthday

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[White Room]

Aren: *Sleeping Peacefully*

Fuu: Aren.

Aren: *groans* Leave me alone..

Fuu: It's the Quint's birthday.

Aren: Hmm.. Okay...





Fuu: It's May 5th. Unless you live in a different timezone-

Aren: No, seriously! It's their birthday!

Fuu: Yeah, so-

Aren: And you didn't told me days before, Fuu?!!

Fuu: No, I was busy studying-

Aren: Fuck that! Where's Y/n?!

Y/n: Yo. *suddenly pops out*

Aren: Get my car keys, i need to buy presents!!

Y/n: You have a car?

Aren: I'm fucking God for fuck sake!!

Y/n: A Dense God..


[Quint's Apartment]

Ichika: Oh, hey, Aren-kun-

Aren: Happy birthday, Ichika!!

Ichika: Whoa! That's a sudden surprise. But thank you! *smiles*

Nino: What's with all the noise-

Aren: Happy Birthday, Nino!

Nino: Waahh!! You surprised me there, Aren. Thank you.

Y/n: Are we just gonna skip to the presents?

Aren: Not yet! There's still three more! Oh, Itsuki!

Itsuki: Shiraga-kun?

Aren: Happy Birthday!

Itsuki: Oh, thank you.

Yotsuba: Shiraga-san! Do you know what day it is?!

Aren: Your birthday, Yotsuba. And your sisters.

Yotsuba: You're correct!! Now we should celebrate!!

Fuu: Where's Miku?

Nino: She said she was out for work.

Y/n: On her birthday?

Aren: Ehh?! I thought she was off this weekend!

Y/n: You're worried about your girlfriend, huh?

Aren: Who doesn't?! Oh, here are your presents.

Ichika: Oh, thank you, Aren-kun.

Nino: Thank you.

Itsuki: I'll be happy to accept.

Yotsuba: Thank you so much, Shiraga-san!

Aren: And then.. The last Quint. Where is she right now?

Y/n: She texted me that she's on her way-

Aren: *suddenly disappears*

Y/n: Annnd he's gone.

Nino: N/n-kun.

Y/n: What lemon? I mean-what?

No, i won't.

[Somewhere near the apartment]

Miku: *sigh* I forgot about my birthday that i went to work on my free-time.

Aren: Miku!

Miku: Eh? Aren?

Aren: *panting* Hap.. Happy.. Birthday.. Miku.

Miku: O.. Okay.. Thank you, Aren. Did you ran all the way here?

Aren: Ye.. Yeah!

Miku: *chuckles* Always worried about me, huh?

Aren: Y.. Yeah. <~ Worried boyfriend

Miku: Thank you, Aren. *smiles*

Happy Birthday to the Quintuplets

May 5th 2022

A Quintuplets Of Problems (TQQ X MaleReader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now