
386 16 7

<~April 12th~>

Asahiyama Highschool


Aren's POV

In the bathroom, taking a leak, what else? But what's more weirder that Takeda is just beside i am at the urinal.

Aren: What the hell do you want, Takeda?

Takeda: I'm kinda impressed of your performances last exam. You managed to beat me from taking the number one spot.

Aren: *zips* And?

I walked towards the sinks and he also follows me. What the hell do you want?? I washed my hands.

Takeda: I'm also impressed that you're also tutoring the Nakano sisters at the same time.

Aren: Huh? The hell you talking about?

Takeda: Don't try to lie your way. My father is the president of this school. Of course i know. Their father and mine are quite close, y'know?

Aren: Really? I didn't ask.

Takeda: Although, i never thought you would be the one at the top taking Uesugi-kun's place. That can also mean that you made him fall down the ranks so you can take it for yourself, very cunning.

Aren: I don't know what you're talking about, Takeda.

Takeda: It's official! From now on! You're my new rival!!

Aren: Ehh.. *sweatdrops*


I arrived at the library and saw the others and the Quints there.

Aren: Sorry I'm late.

Ichika: Umm.. Is Takeda-kun joining us?

Aren: Why are you following me??

Takeda: You don't actually want to do this job, do you?

Aren: Stop speaking nonsense and start simplifying your words.

Y/n: This guy again..

Takeda: You have all the time for yourself to study at home.

Aren: No, i don't study at home.

Takeda: Then at school-

Aren: I don't even pay attention to class.

Takeda: Eh?

Aren: You're trying to manipulate me so you can take this job or what?

Takeda: I am not-

Y/n: Oy, Blondie, how about you just scurry off and play with the other popular kids.

Takeda: L/n-kun, You also hate this job, don't you?

Y/n: What makes you say that, Blondie?

A Quintuplets Of Problems (TQQ X MaleReader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now