Arata's Lucky Night

642 18 18

Y/n's POV

Y/n: ...

Itsuki: Y-You're kidding..

Y/n: I'm not..

Itsuki: No.. There's no way you would..

Y/n: I'm not lying, Itsuki.. I'm actually Dating Nino..

I can see her face in shocked and she justs stares at me with her sadden eyes. I can see her tears were about to form.

Itsuki: I-i see.. I-I'm happy for you..

She then turns away from me.

Itsuki: I guess i should go home then..

Y/n: Itsuki..

Itsuki: See you tomorrow..

She then walks away but i felt like she was hiding something from me. I went to grab her shoulder to stop her.

Y/n: Itsuki, is there something bothering you?

Itsuki: Eh? N-no.. N-Nothing..

Then, i saw a tear drops on her cheek.

Y/n: Itsuki.. Are you crying?

Itsuki: Eh? N-no.. I'm not..

Y/n: But.. Your eyes are tearing up..

Itsuki: Eh? Umm.. Must've from the studying overnight.. *fake smiles*

I knew that something is very wrong.. I know that it's related to me.

Y/n: Itsuki..

Itsuki: Can you let me go now?

Y/n: No, not until you tell me why you're crying.

Itsuki: I-I'm not crying..

Y/n: Don't be stubborn to hide it.. Just tell me-

Itsuki: Why can't you just leave me alone?!

She yelled at me. Her eyes were in tears. My face was in shocked as this wasn't the same as last time she cried infront of me. She's really crying a lot.

Itsuki: *crying*

She suddenly kneels on the ground and i caught her a bit. We both slowly kneel on our knees as she cries. I hold her as trying to comfort her.

Itsuki: Why.. Why would you..

Y/n: Itsuki.. Just tell me.. I won't hurt you or anything.. I will never hurt you..

Itsuki: It's.. Not.. It's just.. I wasn't expecting it to be this early..

Y/n: You mean.. Me and Nino dating?

Itsuki: No.. You.. Moving on..

Moving on?

Y/n: What do you mean by that?

Itsuki: Y/n.. Remember when you said you'll accept me if i was the girl you met six years ago?

My face turned to surprised expression after she reminded me last time at the lake that night.

Itsuki: The full moon sure is pretty tonight..

Itsuki: I didn't say it by accident.. I actually said it for real..

Y/n: Itsuki..

Itsuki: I do love you.. I loved you for 6 years.. Ever since we both first met at the tower.. I fell in love with you.

I was speechless. I couldn't say anything. I looked at her face closer and took a glimpse of the pink hair girl i met 6 years ago until it changed back to Itsuki. She smiled at me.

A Quintuplets Of Problems (TQQ X MaleReader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now