Season 1 Bloopers (1)

391 15 32

The White Room

Rai: Hey guys! It's your Writer, Sakka Rai. This chapter is about the bloopers of season 1. All the fail, funny and memorable moments behind the scenes. Enjoy!

Screen Fades


A custom-made Red Chevrolet Camaro arrives to Asahiyama highschool parking lot. A H/c hair figure with black shaded glasses comes out of the driver seat. The cameraman approuches him

 The cameraman approuches him

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Y/n: Oh, Ohayo Gozaimas. *smiles* It's our first day of filming the "Quintuplets of Problems". Am i early? *takes off his Glasses*

Cameraman: Yes.

Y/n: Oh. Okay. I thought Aren would be early. *chuckles* Do we go inside? Yeah?

Cameraman: Yeah. Please enter.

Y/n: Alright. What a lovely morning. *smiles*

Y/n enters the school building

A Green custom-made Nissan Gt-R R35 arrives to the parking lot. A black mushroom hair gets out of the driver seat. The Cameraman approuches

Fuu: Konichiwa *smiles* Am i late?

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Fuu: Konichiwa *smiles* Am i late?

Cameraman: No, you're right on time. *smiles*

Fuu: Oh, That's great. Is everyone inside?

Cameraman: Y/n is. Please enter.

Fuu: Okay.

Fuu enters the school building

Y/n: Ayy!! Fuu!

Y/n and Fuu bump fists and hugs eachother.

Fuu: It's nice to see you man. *smiles*

A Quintuplets Of Problems (TQQ X MaleReader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now