The Nine Kings of Aichi

428 14 16

Nishiyama Family Mansion

Miyako's POV

As i walked in the hallways of my family mansion. My servants bow at me as i passed by them. Then, i arrived infront of a door. A servant slides it open and my father and his trusted assistants were inside sitting at long table.

Father: Ah, Miyako-chan. You're here.

Miyako: Hello, Father.

The door behind me slide to a close and i sat on a chair beside my father.

Father: So, i believe we're all here?

Assistant: Yes, we are.

Father: Good. I've gathered you all here this evening is to discuss about the Akiyama family being operating in our nothern territory. My daughter.

Miyako: Yes, Father. As you all know, Akiyama Family have been our rival since our rise to power. We've tried to toppled them down.. Only for them to get back up again. Now, the Akiyama Family has been dealing with drug trafficking in recent weeks and making a lot of profit in the process. Drugs are banned in Aichi.

Assistant: True.. Many lives were destroyed due to drugs..

Miyako: Correct. Now, the reason we're against it is because it's their own supply of money. We ban drugs, they won't be able to to do much. But that doesn't stop them from selling behind an alley. So, Gangsters are the key.

Assistant: How so?

Miyako: In recent years, Gangs from half of the prefecture have cooperated with us in dealing with their problems. Either police custody or just.. Money. This year, we have more than 20 gangs cooperating with us. But.. Half of those gangs are under suspicioun. Especially to those in the north.

Assistant: Why is that?

Miyako: We may believe that they're working with the Akiyama family with the drug trade. Half of our territory is now a possible threat.

Father: And are they being taken care of?

Miyako: One of them. I've ordered all south gangs to declare war on them. It's done.

Father: I see.. Tell me about these gangs of yours.

Miyako: There's a lot of them, may i proceed to the important ones?

Father: As you wish.

Miyako: Thank you.

I signaled to a servant and a screen projector was taken down at the end of the wall.

Then, a projector at the ceiling shows the screen. I walked up to the projector and face them.

Miyako: They're a total of 21 gangs in Aichi. All are under our cooperation. But only nine gangs have made it's way to become Major ones. The first is the Handa Warriors.

The screen changes to the leader of Handa Warriors, Suto Michio.

The screen changes to the leader of Handa Warriors, Suto Michio

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