Train Brawl (Not Canon)

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This is a random chapter. It does not relate with the QQT Canon. It is just a creation of Aren's stories cause he likes fighting scenes.

It's optional for you to read this

L/n Residence

Living room

Y/n was about to leave to Aren's house to get his piercings

Y/n: Okay.. Where's my phone? Oh there it is..

He takes his phone

Y/n: Okay I'm set..

He opens the door and left his house


Subway station

Y/n is waiting for the train

He checks his phone

Y/n: 8:47 Am..

Then the train arrives

The doors open

He was about to enter until someone bumps into him

It was a Yakuza

Yakuza: Watch where you going!

He then enters the train

Y/n: Bastard..

He enters the train

He stands and takes a seat

The Yakuza was there standing near a woman

Yakuza: Hey, cutie.

Woman: Get away from me.

He then touches the woman

Woman: Don't touch me

Yakuza: Shut up

He keeps touching her waist

Yakuza: You smell good..

Woman: Get off me pervert.

Y/n was watching them

Y/n: I don't want to interfere.. But I think he's crossing the line..

He then stands up from his seat

He approaches them

Y/n: Hey.

Yakuza: Huh?

Y/n: You're bothering her.. Leave her alone..

A Quintuplets Of Problems (TQQ X MaleReader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now