The Kidnapping

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Few days after the meeting.. 

[Abandoned Warehouse]

*Bike Engines roars*

Two bikers entered an abandoned warehouse, one of the bikes was a  Kawasuki Shinobi ZX-10RR and the other was Karley Harrison. They parked in front of two Uchiyamas. Minoru and Masako were waiting for them inside. Minoru was laying on a couch in the middle of the warehouse.

I'm ripping off brand names XD

They took off their helmets to see Y/n and Aren on their bikes.

Minoru: Oh? Hey, Kaicho.

Y/n: I told you not to call me that.

Aren: So, this is the place, huh?

Minoru: Yep. Been here since last year it shut down and abandoned.

Masako: It's kinda dirty thought.

The entire place was full of trash and what else to describe abandoned building.

Minoru: It's not like I'm gonna clean the entire place. It's just a temporary spot for me.

Y/n: Where's Kyoko?

Minoru: She's on her way with Alpha and BD.

Y/n: Right.

Then a black van drove in the building and Rui was driving it with Zenjin on the passenger seat.

Rui pokes out his head out the window.

Rui: Hey, guys!

Aren: Hey, Rui.

They both got off and walked towards them.

Aren: Hey, BD.

Zenjin: Hey.

Y/n: Where's Kyoko?

Zenjin: On her way.

Then, multiple bike engines roar from a distances. Three Tamaha Bikes then entered the warehouse. One of them had a passenger. They stopped in front of them right next to Y/n and Aren's bikes. They took of their helmets to see Arata, Ichirou, Kiyomi and Kyoko who on Kiyomi's bike.

Ichirou: Sup, y'all.

Arata: Took us awhile to find this place.

Kyoko then gets off the bike.

Kyoko: So, I called the "You know who" and she agreed to meet at the mall.

Y/n: The mall? Is there any other place where that's less conspicuous?

Kyoko: The underground parking lot. But, I'll have to lure her there.

Aren: Then kidnap her at the underground parking lot then. You're going to lure her alone?

Kyoko: Well.. Kiyomi actually wanted to join me.

Aren: Really?

Kiyomi: *nodded*

Aren: Okay. I guess, two people can't hurt.

Rui: How about three?

Aren: What?

Y/n: What do you mean "three?"

Rui: Well.. Suki! *calling*

Arata: Wait, what?!

Y/n: Suki? Arata's girlfriend?

Masako: Ahem.

Y/n: Third girlfriend.

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