A Butterfly's Gift

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~15th April~


[L/n Residence]

Y/n's POV

I woke up from my sleep, i fucking hate the fucking sun every fucking morning..

Y/n: *sigh* Where's my phone?

I looked around the bed to find my phone... I can't find it.

Y/n: Please don't tell me it's under the fucking bed again.. *sigh*

I got off the bed and crouched down to look under my bed.

Y/n: I fucking knew it..

I saw my phone hiding under it and took it. I checked my phone and got a message from someone. Kyoko.


Hey, Y/n-kun

Happy 18th Birthday! 🎉

I know it's a bit early, but i wanted to be the first to congratulate. Hope you have a good time this year. 😊

How did she knew my birthday? I never told anyone, especially those who are outside my city.

Should i reply back?

Nah.. I don't even have anything to say... Maybe just a thanks just incase.



Man, how hard is it to text a girl?

Very Hard <~ Author note

Then, i heard a doorbell. Who the hell wants to visit now?? I just woke up and it's 6 in the fucking morning!

I stomped out my room and went to the door. I unlocked the door and opened it aggressively

Y/n: What?!

Nino: Eh?!

It was Nino

Y/n: Oh.. Nino.

Nino: You surprised me..

Y/n: The heck you want?

Nino: Is that how you talk to your girlfriend?

Y/n: ... First off, i never said we're together-

Nino: We are.

Y/n: ... Second, you pissed me off.

Nino: Which is rare.

A Quintuplets Of Problems (TQQ X MaleReader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now