Good Work Today Pt 2

399 15 13

Y/n's POV

Revival Bakery

Fuu: Well!! What do you think of my pie?! It's just like Y/n's, boss! Give me a raise, please!

Y/n: Uhh.. *sweatdrops*

Fuu made a pie similar to mine.

Y/n: Fuu.. I think you should consider thinking about inner beauty..

Boss: Yes. Give it a taste.

Fuu takes a bite and then he pukes in a bucket

Y/n: Eww..

Fuu: Eeecckkkk... It's underdone.. I shouldn't be talking trash about Miku.

Y/n: Looks like its gonna awhile before you're joining me in the kitchen. *smiles*

Boss: Yep. Oh, that reminds me. Uesugi-kun, you can leave now.

Fuu: Eh? No.. You're firing me?

Y/n: No, we're closing this noon today, baka.

Boss: We're renting the shop for a movie shoot.

Fuu: You could've told me sooner..

Y/n: You were busy making that pie.

Then the door to the shop opens and a producer was there.

Producer: Hello! Looking forward to working with you today.

Then more staffs enters the shop along with actors

Boss: If the movie takes off, the fans will be coming in droves to visit the site.

Y/n: I bet it'll last long..

Boss: It will. *scary smile*

Y/n: Oh.. Okay.. *sweatdrops*

Fuu: Let's just go home.

Y/n: Yeah..

We went to out the kitchen and then a door opens

???: Thank you for having us.

Y/n: Pffft- *snickers*

Fuu: Eh?

Ichika: Ehh?!

Y/n: You're in the movie? *laughs*

Ichika: Ehh?!! Y/n-Kun?! Fuutarou-kun?! Why are you here?!

Fuu: We work here remember?

Ichika: Oh right.. I didn't remember.

Y/n: Seriously.. What's with the get up? *snickers*

Ichika: It's my outfit for my character!

Y/n: And your hair style.. It's so funny.. *laughs* i can just pull it from the side and it might explode. *smiles*

Ichika: So, Rude.. *pouts*

Y/n: You know what.. Imma stay for awhile. *grins*

Fuu: Well I'm going home.. See ya.

Fuu leaves the bakery

Y/n: I wanna see everything.. *smirks*

She became nervous and blushed

A Quintuplets Of Problems (TQQ X MaleReader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now