Miku's Confession Pt 2

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Y/n's POV

We came to our hotel and went to the front door room where the Quint's are assigned. Yotsuba and Itsuki told us that Miku locked herself in the room right now. They tried to ask her to open up but she didn't comply. That is until Aren knocked on the door.

Aren: Miku.. Are you there?


Aren: *sigh* Miku, i know you're in there, your sisters are worried about you, can you open up the door?


Aren: Look, I'm sorry about what happened. I know that it's hard to muster up the courage to tell me something but.. I'm your friend, Miku. You have nothing to hide from me. So, please.. Open the door and let's just talk. Just the two of us. No one else but us.


Aren: ...

Y/n: I don't think she's answering.

Itsuki: Maybe we should leave her alone for awhile?

Aren: *sigh* I can't just leave her..

Y/n: You'll talk to her tomorrow. C'mon, let's eat.


We're having dinner at the dining hall. Every student was there. Well, most of them. Aren was taking his time, staring at his food, playing with his chopsticks while listening to his headphones.

Fuu: So, did you found out the reason why Miku doesn't want to meet Aren?

Y/n: Well.. Probably due to panicking, she's having something called "Fear", which means that Aren had done something that scared her <~ Sarcasm

Fuu: Haha, very funny.

Takeda: Was there any relations to.. Feelings?

Y/n: Probably.. Where's Maeda?

Takeda: Long bathroom visit.

Y/n: Ah.. He's still going, huh?

Then i saw the Nino, Itsuki and Yotsuba walking away from the dining hall. Looks like they're finished.

Y/n: I guess i should go as well.

Maeda: I'll join you.

Y/n: Ever heard of fucking "Privacy", Blondie?

Fuu: *chuckles*

I went away from my table to go to the restroom. Except I'm not, I'm actually following the Quints. I need to talk with Itsuki and Nino about Ichika.


Nino's POV

We went back to our room but it was still locked. So, Miku is still inside.

Nino: Miku, i know you're in there. Open the door.


Itsuki: She's not responding.

Nino: She's not answering her phone either.

Yotsuba: Miku! There's still two more days for us to make it right! Shiraga-san feels bad about himself so please open the door!

Nino: Yotsuba-


Quints: !?

There it is again.. The click. It's being going on since we arrived here.

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