Arata's Story

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Arata: Yo! It's me, your boy, Bando Arata. Now, you might be thinking, what's going on here? And why did the author just published a chapter out of nowhere while he's supposed to be writing the Attack on Titan book? Well guys.. There were still a few roadblocks on that book and he was bit.. Stressed on how is it going to end. So, he's trying to make his own canon while just abit similar to the original canon. Anyway, let's stop talking about that and let's start the story, shall we?

Arata: I'm Bando Arata, and this is my story.


Arata: Rrraaaggggghhh!!!!

He runs towards someone with white hair. He jumps towards him and goes to kick him but then the white hair evades and immediately punches him in the face and fell.

Arata: *groans*

Aren: Hmph.

Arata: Ah.. Yes.. That was embarrassing.. This was before we formed the gang so, season 1. I met Aren before just.. Not that much and he beat me up. For a delinquent to get beat up by a normal student kinda sucks.

Aren then walks away but then Arata grabs his ankle.

Aren: Hm?

Arata: Wher.. The.. Fuck.. Are.. You.. Going?.. I'm not.. Finished yet..

Aren: Dude, you're literally on the ground. Just give up.

Arata: N.. No..

He then slowly stands up while his whole body starts to shake.

Aren: All that for one hit?

Arata: Rraaaghh!!

He swings at him but then Aren ducks and trips him down.

Arata: *coughing*

Aren: Enough already. You're just hurting yourself.

Arata: Yeah, Aren was the Rindaman of the school. He was on another level.

Aren: What a waste of my time.

Arata: Wait!

He slowly stands up again. Aren just watches him.

Arata: I'm.. Not done yet..

Aren: Hm.

He suddenly swings and knocks Arata out cold.

Aren: I don't care if you're not done or whatever reason you have, I'm busy.

He then walks away, leaving Arata on the cold ground.

Ichirou: Arata!

Ichirou then came in and went to check him.

Ichirou: Hey! You okay?! Hey!

Arata: I was unconscious. Ichirou took me to the hospital. I had a broken left jaw and i recovered for a few weeks. Ichirou was a childhood friend of mine. He always got my back since we were kids. I dreamed of ruling the entire school. But.. It didn't happen with our Rindaman was still undefeated. I tried.. Too many times. It all ended with me on the cold ground. Ichirou fought him once.. And he got wrecked. We even tried bringing some delinquents including Koji. But.. It didn't work. He beat us all to a pulp. And during Christmas at the Park, that was the last time we fought him. We lost. That's when i knew that.. Aren was a Monster.

Arata: I thought my dream wouldn't be achieved.. I lost all hope. That is until Aren offered me to join his group of delinquents. If i can't rule the school by myself, then I'll accept any help. And we did. We took over the school by storm, beating our school delinquents and grew our group bigger. I was satisfied when we conquered the last delinquents in school and become the rulers. But.. Aren wasn't done. When we heard the entire prefecture was having a gang war, Aren told us to gather more people and i did brought most of the people. But.. Aren brought someone else.. Someone.. More powerful. More than our Rindaman.

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