Wake up

810 24 16

Living Room

Y/n and Itsuki was sleeping together on the couch and Y/n woke up

Y/n: This is bad... If i get caught by anyone.. I'm fucked..

He checks his phone

Y/n: 6:17 am.. Nino can't be awake at this time.. I need to bring her to her room..

He tries to get Itsuki off him

Itsuki: Hmm...

Then she's hugging him tighter

Y/n: she's hugging me tighter.. I can't move.. I'm not trying to wake her up.. Or she'll think we did something.. Which we didn't.. If i could just push her..

Then a door opening was heard

Y/n: No time..

He activated his powers and teleports themselves to Itsuki's room

Itsuki's room

They were laying on the bed

Y/n: Okay.. Now, i just have to let her go of me..

Itsuki: Arigato....

Y/n: hm?

She was still asleep

Y/n: Sleep talking.. And just when i thought that didn't exist... Well it's an anime.. Anything can happen..

He tries to get her off of him

Y/n: just a little push..

Itsuki: Hmm....

She opens her eyes

Itsuki: Hmm... Hm?

She looks to see she's in top of Y/n.

Itsuki: Eh..

Y/n: Don't freak out...

Itsuki: Eh.. Eh... *blushes*

She went blushing hard

Y/n: Just let me explain...

Y/n: i have to make something up..

Y/n: I slept at the couch and woke up again to go to the bathroom.. Then i went upstairs and accidently went into your room instead of Miku's room cause i was half asleep..

Itsuki: Eh... But.. Why am i... On top of you? *blushes*

Y/n: That i cannot answer cause i was asleep..

Itsuki: Oh... *blushes*

Y/n: i think i should go...

Itsuki: Y-Yeah... You should.. *blushes*

She gets off him as he gets off the bed

Y/n: And Itsuki..

Itsuki: Hai? *blushes*

Y/n: Don't tell anyone about this..

Itsuki: Ha-hai.. *blushes

He opens the door gently and peeks outside

A Quintuplets Of Problems (TQQ X MaleReader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now