Legend Of Fate Day 2 Pt 1

535 21 17


Cooking Area

All classes were assign to make their own curry

Y/n, Fuu and Aren were assign to look after the rice

Y/n: Why were we assign to look after the rice?

Fuu: Can we even cook?

Y/n: I've been living alone for years.. Of course i can cook..

Aren: This is boring..

Maeda was beside Y/n

Maeda: Oy...

Y/n: What?

Maeda: You and Nakano-san are doing good, right?

Y/n: Yeah..

Maeda: Man... You're so lucky to have a partner for the folk dance.. I couldn't find one either..

Y/n: Don't care..

Maeda: How rude!

Y/n: So you want to find a girlfriend is it?

Maeda: Uh.. Yeah..

Y/n: Hmm...

Then Yotsuba came with some boxes

Yotsuba: Uesugi-San, I'm going to move all this test of courage stuff.

Fuu: Yotsuba? Weren't you in charge of the campfire?

Yotsuba: Hai. But I thought you needed help. You're here on this camping trip when you usually only camp out in front of textbooks. I'd like to support you as much as I can

Fuu: Yosh.. Y/n, keep an eye on the rice..

Y/n: Hai...

Then Y/n had an idea

Y/n: Ah.. Maeda.. You want to find a girlfriend right?

Maeda: Uh.. Yeah..

Y/n: The test of courage should be a good example.. Just invite a girl with you there.. Maybe she'll think you can protect her from the scares..

Aren: Cliché... But effective.

Maeda: Hey.. That's not a bad idea, Thanks!

Y/n: You're welcome.. Ah, Fuu.. You still have that White wig right?

Fuu: Yeah... Why do you ask?

Y/n: Can i borrow it for awhile? I just want to do something with it..

Fuu: Okay..

He opens the box and takes out a white wig

Fuu: Here. *hands a white wig*

Y/n: Nice.. Could be a nice prank for Nino..

Aren: Why? And why her exactly?

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