Seven Goodbyes Part 1 (2)

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Y/n: Nino and Itsuki left their home.. Miku texted me the next day after what happened..

Y/n was in the air with his power eyes activated

Y/n was in the air with his power eyes activated

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Black Eyes with F/c Iris

Black Eyes with F/c Iris

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He was searching for Nino

Y/n: You're a pain in the ass..

He then saw a familiar figure with Butterfly ribbons in a hotel

Y/n: There you are..

He flies down nearby

Y/n: Now how am I gonna get in?

He walks to the entrance

Y/n: This should do it..

He then went to the counter

Clerk: Yes? Are you here to make a reservation?

Y/n activates his powers

The clerk saw it

Y/n: Manipulation...

The clerk went silent

Y/n: Give me Nino's key room..

Clerk: Understood..

He then grabs the key card to Nino's room.

He then gives it to him

Y/n: Erase..

He then erases the clerk's memories of him

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