Miku's Confession Pt 1

604 12 184

[Asahiyama Highschool]


Y/n's POV

Y/n: Alright.. Let's start studying-

Miku: Have you picked which group are you gonna be in?

Y/n: Uhh.. No.

The Quints, Fuu, Ren and i are.. As usual, studying. But this time, we're currently discussing about our groups.

Nino: Me and N/n-kun should be grouped alone.

Itsuki: Hey! That's unacceptable!

Nino: Why not?

Itsuki: Because.. It's inappropriate!

Y/n: *sweatdrops*

Fuu: You've chosen your group yet, Y/n?

Y/n: Well.. Not really.. You?

Fuu: With Maeda and Takeda.

Y/n: Maeda and Takeda? Huh.. That's kinda of a weird combination..

Fuu: They were the only ones left.. And they asked me.

Y/n: Well.. That's good then.

Fuu: There's still two spots left.

Y/n: Hm.. Well..

Nino and Itsuki are staring at me. I kinda need help. Yotsuba? No, she can't help much.. Ichika?

I then signalled Ichika to help me out. She saw me and winks.

Ichika: I-I know! How about Y/n and i make a group with ourselves!

Not that!

Nino: Huh?! You're trying to take him for yourself!

Says the one who wanted me all by herself..

Ichika: C'mon, it's not that bad.

Itsuki: It is!

Yotsuba: Oh! I know! How about the three of you group with L/n-san!

Ichika&Nino&Itsuki: Eh??

Y/n: Eh?

Aren: *whistle* That's gotta be hard..

Fuu: True.. What about Miku?

Aren: Miku and i decided to form a group ourselves with Yotsuba.

Fuu: Really?

Aren: Yep.

Y/n: I'm not grouping with you three. Nuh uh.

Ichika: Jeez, are you embarrassed or something?

Y/n: No, it's kinda uncomfortable being the only guy in the group.

Nino: Isn't that fine for you?!

Y/n: No, it's not! I still have preferences!

Nino: Oh, so you do care about preferences!

Y/n: So what?!

Fuu: Is it just me or Y/n suddenly changed all of the sudden? *whispers to Aren*

Aren: Yeah, he is.. Ever since Nino confessed her feelings to him, he changed a lot. *whispers back*

Fuu: Really? Wow.. Wasn't really expecting Nino to actually "have" feelings for Y/n.

Ichika: So? Which group do you want to join?

Y/n: *grunts*

Nino: At least you're going out on a date with me!

Itsuki: No! Don't even think about it!

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