4 Years in the Making

782 15 47

[L/n Residence]

No one's POV

The sun was shining, The birds was singing.

But it kinda smells weird. Smells like.. A Baka..

Eren Jaeger..

I'm just playing XD.

The camera switches to the bedroom's window.

And the sound of.. Clapping?

Let's change the camer-Oh..


Sorry for the inconvenience, please standby, thank you.

There, had to timeskip a bit

Y/n's POV

My eyes opened. The sunlight was blinding my vision for awhile, Itsuki is laying on my chest, a bit tired.

Actually, we woke up again at 5 in the morning.. I don't remember much.. But i do know that she was riding me for about.. An hour, nonstop. I think.. My memory is kinda blurry.

But, I don't have any problem with it. Cause she's my girlfriend. If she wasn't, we wouldn't be here right now.. And doing it. She wouldn't have told me that it was her and Nino that were the girls i met 6 years ago.

Y'know.. Having your Virginity taken and having sex with two girls on your birthday.. Is really unorthodox for a 18 year old guy. But probably the best one yet.

Is it possible to do a threesome?

Let's not dwell into that kind of thinking for now.. It's a possibility.

Itsuki: Mhhmm..

She's waking up, she opens her eyes.

Itsuki: Ohayoo..

Y/n: Ohayo. *smiles*

Itsuki: You were soooo~ great..

Y/n: Yeah.. You too.. Usually you would be shy. I can't actually believe you made the first move..

Itsuki: *chuckles* I couldn't control myself.. At least i manage to lose your stress.

Y/n: A lot actually..

Itsuki: *chuckles* That's great then..

She then proceeds to kiss me. We both kissed so passionately like we didn't have a care of the world around us.

Itsuki, I'm glad that i found you.. And Nino too. You two changed my life. And i want to thank you both for that.

This time, it's my turn to change your lives. But first, the exams.


[Asahiyama Highschool]

[Class 3-1]

Y/n's POV

It's time. We've been given the papers. The times starts at exactly 30 seconds. I looked at the Quints, and then Fuu, and Aren. We've work hard for this day. I bet you all good luck. And Fuu, you and i are gonna prove Takeda that we are eligible to tutor the five of them. I'll take the first rank if i have to.

A Quintuplets Of Problems (TQQ X MaleReader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now