For Myself

451 17 31

L/n Residence

Living Room

The TV was on, It's on the news channel.

Host: Good Morning, our latest news is about the Gang violence occuring in the city of Nagoya last night. The Sons of Yuma, a streetgang from east of Nagoya was attacked by an opposition gang called "The Shuurakuen Syndicate" from Tokai. The brawl between them was wide-spread. Police reports hundreds of gangsters took the streets in huge brawl in the city. 59 gangsters were arrested and 43 were sent to the hospital. Police took casualties as well with 28 police officers were taken into hospital. Here's a clip of the chaos.

The screen shows a huge brawl happening between grey & black coloured gangsters and yellow coloured gangsters.

Then it changes to a gangster wearing a white mask with black textures fighting against 5 SOY himself. He beat four of them and then the last one he grabbed him and threw him over a bridge.

Host: The battle ended in the Shuurakuen Syndicate's victory and the majority of them escaped. While a few of them were caught and arrested. No civilians were hurt during the chaos. We pray that our people is safe from the violence. Our next story is-*Turned off*

Y/n was holding the remote while brushing his teeth.

Y/n: That was too risky.. But we won in the end.. Good thing the other gangs didn't get involved.

He went to the bathroom and looks at the mirror

He then touched his cheek.

Y/n: Ow..

He had a scrape on his cheek.

Y/n: Damn.. The bat guy was an asshole. Good thing my mask reduced the impact.. Or i might have a wound there.

Spits out the toothpaste and gurgles his mouth with water and spits out in the sink.

Y/n: *sigh*

Then his phone rings in his pocket. It says Koji. He picks up.

Y/n: Sup?

Koji: You seen the news?

Y/n: Yep.. You're okay?

Koji: Considering i got fucking bat by 5 guys all by myself until Aren and Ichirou saved me from getting knocked out.. I think I'm fine but i don't think i can attend school today.

Y/n: Man, good thing we won. We were outnumber so much.

Koji: It was a 5 - 1 situation. At least we won. Hey, Michio and the others are gonna be attacking tonight. We should lay low and let them do the rest.

Y/n: Yeah.. We couldn't take over much.

Koji: We almost got to the castle until those cops showed up. Man.. My friends got arrested.

Y/n: Don't worry about them. They'll come back.

Koji: Yeah.. Thanks for the cheer up. I gotta go.

Y/n: Yeah..

He hangs up

Y/n: *sigh*

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