Good Work Today Pt 1

496 14 19


Y/n was calling The Quint's father

Y/n: Yo, Otosan.

Maruo: I am not your father. I believe the exams is today, correct?

Y/n: Yes.

Maruo: Then what is it that you want?

Y/n: I have something to request.. Well.. Our request.

Maruo: Our? *Communism intensifies*

Y/n: We would like to resign our jobs as tutors for the sisters. Effective immediately..

Maruo: Oh?

Y/n: And.. Are your aware that Nino and Itsuki got in a fight and ran away from home?

Maruo: I never heard about this. Have they resolved their issue?

Y/n: Yes.

Maruo: Great. Goodbye-

Y/n: Is that all you care? Are you not curious for the reason they got into that situation? What it is that's bothering them?

Y/n: You know what.. I don't care at all.. I shouldn't even talk about it anyway. I'm just a lazy guy who doesn't gives a shit about anything. Oh.. And i have something tell you..

Y/n: How about you act like a fucking father to them for once Huh? I'm sure it's not that hard.. And fuck you. Be responsible for fuck sake.. Goodbye, asshole..

He hangs up

Present time

Maruo was in the backseat of the limo with Ebata driving

Maruo: You've done it now, L/n-kun. I won't give my daughters to a man like you.. Especially the other two.


New Year

Y/n exhale the cold smoke

Y/n: I don't believe in fortunes.. But i come here just to fill my empty schedule.

He has his own fortune telling envelope

Y/n: Fortunes are one thing.. But i do believe in luck. And every year.. I get lucky. And it gets..

He opens his envelope

"Great Fortune"

Y/n: More better than the last. Last year i got good fortune. I'm just that lucky..

Then he met up with Fuu and Raiha

Y/n: Yo, Fuu. Raiha.

Raiha: Ah! Y/n Nii-chan!

Fuu: Y/n, I'm surprised you came here.

Y/n: I'm just here cause i was bored. Have you seen Aren?

Fuu: I think I've seen him with 3 other guys.

Y/n: Oh, he's with them.

Fuu: Them?

Then Aren came along with three other guys

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