The Last Exam pt 2

385 14 20

Y/n's Room

Y/n is sleeping in his bed. Then his door opens to see a white hair guy.


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A.O: Yo, Y/n.

Y/n: Hmm.. Who.. Eh?

A.O: Sup.

Y/n: Why is the real author in my room?

A.O: What? I can't visit?

Y/n: Cause you're in my.. Whatever.. What is it that you want?

A.O: Well, i made slight changes.. Well, not really.. I'm removing your powers.

Y/n: Why?

A.O: Well, pretty much it's not gonna be used that much, cause, this is a Fucking Romcom not a fucking action anime. Well, the gang story is action but that has no powers. And it's only gonna be Aren that's having it. But, he's gonna lose that power just as Aren is with Miku.

Y/n: So.. Aren is gonna end up with Miku.. When?

A.O: You'll know soon cause.. That's just gonna be boring for the readers telling how he's gonna end up with her. Anyway, i gotta go, see ya. *snaps his fingers*

Then he disappears without a trace.

Y/n: Okay.. My powers are gone.. Let me try..

He then tries to activate his powers.


Y/n: Yep.. He actually removed it. What time is it?

He checks the time on his phone

3:18 am

Y/n: Why would he wake me up at 3 in the morning?? Asshole..

He then closes his eyes and went back to sleep.


January 14th

Quint's Apartment

Y/n's POV

Fuu: We're a week into the third term. We have Sunday to work with. Now's time to buckle down. SO WHY ISN'T ITSUKI HERE?!!

A Quintuplets Of Problems (TQQ X MaleReader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now