Battle of Naka (SS Vs ES)

716 16 55

[Naka Ward]

No one's POV

The camera shows the streets of Naka Ward, Nagoya. The people were having their own business. And in the background, you can see the Nagoya Castle at a distance.

Until.. People start to run away. A large group was marching on the streets wearing the same uniform. The grey and black clothing jackets. Shuurakuen Syndicate has arrived. The King's Legion.

One man in the front was wearing a black and white mask with battered textures. The King himself is leading the army of 200 members.

And infront of them, another large group has arrived wearing purple clothings. One man in the front was leading the army.

Y/n: Ryuki Goura

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Y/n: Ryuki Goura..

Both sides march towards each other. And then they all stopped in the middle of the street.

The atmosphere was tense. Two armies were facing against each other.

Goura: So that's the God of War, huh?

ES: Yeah.

Goura: What's with his mask?

ES: It kinda represents his whole One Vs Army. He's being through a lot battles all by his own and won.

Goura: Interesting. But, i don't care about that. I wanna know if he's worth the fight.

Meanwhile, Y/n is staring at Goura, menacingly.

Shuu: What should we do?

Shuu: There's more here than the other wards..

Y/n: No wonder the others were facing small resistance.. Their main army was here. And from the looks of it.. Judging from their distances they cover.. Looks like 1500 of em. Against our 200. More than 8 times our size.

Shuu: Can we really beat em?

Y/n: What's with the concern? We fought outnumbered before.. A lot actually.. Are you worried that you we're gonna lose?

Shuu: No. No i don't sir.

Y/n: Good. Never lose hope. The others will join us soon. First, we just have to deal with this.

He then looks at his enemy. He saw him walking towards them.

Shuu: What is he doing?

Y/n: .. To talk.

Y/n then walks towards as well. Two leaders then met at the center of between both armies.

They stopped 2 feet away from each other. Goura then speaks.

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