Legend Of Fate Day 3

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Ichika: Well this sucks..

Y/n: Yep..

Ichika: We're locked in

Y/n: I already said that earlier..

Y/n: I'm breaking down the door..

Ichika: Wait. Isn't that a burglar sensor? *points at the sensor*

Ichika: It might bring the Security guards here if we break down the door.

Y/n: Don't care.. I'm breaking it down..

He then readies himself for a kick

Ichika: Wait! No don't! You'll ruin the School Camp!

Y/n: Don't care..

Ichika: Please! I don't want us to get in trouble!

Y/n: *sigh* fine... Let me see if I can disarm it.. Wait.. I can't reach it..

He then squats down

Y/n: Get on me..

Ichika: Haha.. If only I was two meters tall..

Y/n: What are you talking about? Just get on my shoulders already..

Her heart was beating fast

Ichika: stay calm.. This heart can't trip the sensor..

She then gets on his shoulders

Ichika: Don't you dare say I'm heavy.

Y/n: Oh I might say that..

Ichika: You are honestly rude..

Y/n: Alright.. Here I go..

He then prepare to stands up

Then he holds her thighs

It sandwiches his face

Ichika: What's wrong?

Y/n: This sensation.. I feeling.. The case of a good Deja Vu...

Ichika: Hey! No enjoying my thighs!!

Y/n: No.. I believe I won't.. Also.. You're heavy...

Ichika: You went and said it after all!!

Y/n: I'm honestly rude... You should know that..

He lifts her up

Y/n: How is it going up there?

Ichika: Umm.. How do you...

Y/n: *sigh* never mind..

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