Class 3-1's Quints

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Class 3-1

Everyone in class were gathered at the back to see the Quints.

Student: I knew the Nakano's were quintuplets.

Student: But seeing them together in person is pretty amazing!

A classmate then goes towards Ichika.

Student: Can i call you by your first name so it's not so confusing?

Ichika: Sure, we'd appreciate that, too. *smiles*

Then a student goes towards Nino.

Student: Do that trick where you guys have the same card together.

Nino: Sorry, we don't have telepathy or anything.

Then Miku got approuched

Studying: You look like them, too, don't you, Miku-chan? Show me your face more!

She was pretty uncomfortable.

Then everyone starts to approach them.

Itsuki: Uhh, please calm down. *panicking*

Y/n: Oy.

Then everyone looked at Y/n.

Student: L/n-san?

Student: Are you curious about them too?

Y/n: Why should i care about some similar faces? Shiro, Miko. Ichirou is waiting for you outside.

Student: Ah! I forgot!

Student: Oh, thanks for reminding us!

The two students then ran outside the class.

Y/n then walks out the class with four guys following him.

Ichika: *chuckles* He just ignored us.

Itsuki: Careless as ever.. Being like that since second year.. But for some reason, he has a lot of people following him since.

Yotsuba: Huh.. I wonder why he has a lot of people following him?

Itsuki: That's what i wanna know.. It's like he has followers or something.

Ichika: Maybe they're just friends or something?


Student: *gets punched in face*

Then he gets punched in the stomach and then his face again and he fell on the floor.

The bathroom was surrounded by Aren, Koji and 5 other guys.

Student: I swear.. I didn't..

Then Aren kicks his face with his foot.

Aren: I said "Shut up". Is it that hard to understand?

Student: I didn't do it!

Aren punches his face again and he fell on his face.

Aren: Put him on the wall.

Then 2 guys grabs and lifts him up towards the wall. Then Aren punches his stomach multiple times until he stopped.

Aren: Now you can talk.

The guy was coughing.

Aren: I ask again.. Did you sell drugs to the students here?

A Quintuplets Of Problems (TQQ X MaleReader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now