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Hello to all of my amazing readers!! I'm excited to bring you my newest BakuDeku story!!

Just a few things before we get started though.

If you see a spelling mistake, feel free to point it out in a respectful way. This does not include names since Bakugo and Bakugou are both correct. Also remember that depending on where you're from, some words can be spelled differently. Example: gray and grey.

This story does include heavy topics like smut, drug addiction and use, domestic violence, talk of child abuse, and alcohol abuse.

This entire story is a trigger warning, so you have been warned. I will still put an official trigger warning for smut and child abuse scenes, however, I won't be putting them for drug usage since it is in almost every chapter for a while. So again, you have been warned. (Only pill scenes).

There are some smut scenes that are not BakuDeku, so please don't complain about it when you get there. I know you came for the BakuDeku and you will get it, you just have to be patient.

Slight angst warning (nothing too dramatic or traumatizing) but this will 100% have a happy ending.


Midoriya groaned loudly in his bed as he squeezed the pillow around his head, attempting to muffle the sound of his extremely loud neighbor. Even with the thick walls, the muffle sounds of him and his current victim moaning could be heard echoing through his apartment. The green haired man removed the pillow from his head and looked at the small alarm clock on his bedside table. He let out a heavy sigh when he saw it was a little past two in the morning. He had an early class at eight and he knew he was going to struggle to keep up with it.

He threw his blanket off of him and abruptly stood from his bed. If he wasn't able to sleep, he was at least going to study. He walked to the desk in the corner of his room, using the light from his phone to guide him. When he reached his desk, he turned the lamp on and sat in his chair. He slid his square thin frame glasses onto his face as he opened the top book in the never-ending stacks and began going over his chemistry notes for his test on Friday. A loud moan echoed through his apartment once more. I need to find another place to live. He said to himself with a disapproving sigh.

Despite his obnoxious neighbor, he liked where he lived. It was a small building that had four apartments. Two upstairs and two downstairs. The elderly lady that lived below him was practically deaf and never came outside. The other downstairs apartment occupied a young woman who worked midnights. She was never there on her days off and he never saw her either. The only person he had to deal with was his direct neighbor. He never had a problem with him during the day. However, the night was a different story. Almost every night, he brought home someone different for a long night of fun. Unfortunately, Midoriya had to hear almost every single detail.

That was the only reason he had for wanting to leave his apartment. Other than that, it was great. The rent was cheap, it was close to work and school and it was a nice area to live in. It was a two-bedroom apartment with a massive bathroom, living room, and kitchen. He used the bigger room for his room and the smaller one as a guest bedroom and storage room. It wasn't decorated well and didn't have much furniture, but it was home. Midoriya yawned loudly as he glanced at his clock, realizing another thirty minutes have passed. Usually, they'd be on a break by now and I can fall asleep. He groaned to himself in his head as a slight banging noise began echoing through his apartment. At least I can get more studying done. He said to himself as he continued looking over his notes.

He was studying to be a psychologist, so he never understood why he had to take so many classes he didn't need. His main classes were psychology, sociology, and philosophy. He knew the importance of chemicals in the brain, but he didn't think knowing the periodic table by heart was going to help him in his future career. He looked up from his notebook when he heard a door slam shut from across the hall. He let out a sigh of relief when he heard footsteps descending the concrete stairs. Knowing his obnoxious neighbor was finally done for the night, he closed his notes. He put everything in the stack that he originally found it in and turned off his lamp.

He used the light from his phone screen to guide him back to the bed. He laid down before glancing at the time on his phone. It's already four in the morning, should I even go to sleep at this point? That'll only be three hours. He said to himself, frustrated he wasn't going to get to sleep after all. As much as he wanted to blame his neighbor, he knew it wasn't entirely his fault. Even if he wanted to sleep, he always kept himself extremely wired, so he was hardly able to do so. He unlocked his phone before scrolling through his favorite contacts. When he found the one he was looking for, he pressed call. He listened to four rings before the other man picked up the phone.

"When you said you were going to call me before class, I wasn't expecting it to be at four in the morning."

"It's a good thing you work all night and sleep all day." Midoriya responded as he playfully rolled his eyes. "So, I don't think I can wait until the morning."

"It's a good thing I'm literally across the street. I'll be over in a minute." He responded as shuffling could be heard from his end of the call.

"Alright, see you soon." Midoriya responded as he pulled the phone away from his ear, ending the call. He stood from his bed, carefully making his way across the room. He flipped the light switch and began searching around for a hoodie. He grabbed a plain red one from the top of his laundry basket, throwing it over his head. He walked out of the bedroom, making his way to the front door. When he turned the light on, a light tapping noise came from the door. He quickly walked across the room and opened it to see his friend standing on the other side.

"You look rough." Sero commented as he stepped into his friends apartment.

"Long night." Midoriya replied as he shut the door behind him. "What were you doing across the street?"

"Working." Sero replied with a simple shrug as he walked into the connecting kitchen. He set his bag on the table and opened it, pulling out a small yellow pill bottle. The green haired man grabbed his wallet from his jacket as his friends set the bottle on his small kitchen table.

"You still willing to do your loyal customer and friend discount?" Midoriya questioned as he pulled five crisp $100 bills from his wallet.

"Do I even want to know where you got the money to be able to afford it?" Sero questioned with a small sigh as he grabbed two additional bottles, laying them on the table.

"I work thirty hours a week." Midoriya responded as he playfully rolled his eyes. His rent was cheap and his schooling was pretty much free since both his parents had passed away.

"Why so much?" Sero questioned as he took the money from the green haired man's hand, shoving it inside his wallet.

"Just need something to get me through the next month or two." He replied as he grabbed one of the bottles, popping a pill into his mouth.

"Three months." Sero responded with a small sigh. "These should last you three months and I won't sell them to you any sooner than that." He informed as Midoriya grabbed a bottle of water.

"Okay mom." Midoriya responded sarcastically as swallowed the pill and took a small sip of water.

"I have somewhere else to go before the sun comes up, so I have to run. Are you still good for lunch this weekend?"

"Yeah, I'll let you know an exact day when I get my work schedule." He responded as he grabbed the bottles, setting two on top of the fridge and the third in his jacket pocket with his wallet.

"Alright, I'll see you around." He watched Sero shut and lock the door behind him before retreating to his room so he could continue studying for his test in a few days.

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