It's Going to be a Long Road

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"Thank you both for coming in." Nero said with a soft smile as he sat across from Bakugo and his father. This was one of the last things the blond wanted to do, but he wanted to get better. He wanted a life with Midoriya and this was apparently a necessary step he had to take.

"Whatever." Bakugo replied nonchalantly as he sulked further into his seat.

"Alright then." Nero responded, unfazed by the blond's behavior since he was used to it by this point. He turned to Bakugo's father, introducing himself. "I'm Nero, I've been your son's therapist on and off again since he was sixteen."

"I'm Masaru Bakugo, but please just call me Masaru." His father responded, feeling out of place in the room. He was also confused about how his son had been seeing Nero since he was a teenager. He picked up on his sex addiction, but never picked up on him going to therapy.

"I'd like to get to know you a little more, but your son has a bit of a temper." Nero said before sending Bakugo an accusing glance.

"I'm not paying you to be a dick, I'm paying you to help." The blond groaned in reply.

"See?" Nero said with a small laugh. Masaru didn't know how to feel, so he sat in his chair completely unfazed by their small interaction. "I want to congratulate you on getting sober," Nero said to his father, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I know that's one of the hardest things you've ever had to do."

"Thank you." Masaru said with a nervous smile. He thought he was going to come in here and get bashed for being a terrible father, he wasn't expecting Nero to be kind in any way.

"What's the goal?" Bakugo questioned with a groan.

"For you to not ask for a goal every time you come into this office." Nero let out a heavy sigh. "There is a long-term goal here, but I know that won't be reached in this room today." He explained. "I want to start with your dad though." He said as he turned to look at the older male. Bakugo had already been there an hour for his private session before his father joined him.

"Go for it." Masaru said nervously. He knew what to expect in therapy, but it was harder to talk about how you feel in front of your son that you haven't seen in years. It was like talking in front of a stranger.

"How did you feel when you saw your son for the first time? When you realized he was finally reaching out to you." Nero questioned gently, opening his notebook to a new page. Bakugo continued to look at the ground while waiting for his father's answer.

"Shocked, happy, terrified and sick to my stomach." He responded honestly. "It was so random for him to show up like that and I wasn't prepared for it in the slightest."

"Why did you think he was there?" Nero questioned as he carefully studied their behavior.

"Honestly, I thought he was there to yell at me. I thought he was eventually going to snap and scream at me for ruining his life." Masaru said with a frown as he looked over at his son. Bakugo still had his eyes glued to the floor, not wanting to look at his father. He knew there was a reason Nero wanted to do this session, but he still didn't understand it. He could talk to his father anytime he wanted to and he didn't understand why he had to listen to them talk.

"But he didn't, did he?" Nero questioned with a soft smile, looking at Masaru.

"No." He shook his head. "He told me about his life, all the good things he's doing."

"Like what?" Nero asked.

"What's the point in this?" Bakugo finally snapped. He told his therapist everything he and his father talked about earlier, he didn't need it from somebody else's point of view.

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