You're my Everything

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"30 hours of community service?" Bakugo questioned as he relaxed into their black leather couch. "That's not too bad."

"I've never been in trouble with the law before." Midoriya responded with a simple shrug as he sat down next to his boyfriend. "What time do we have to pick up Sora from Iida's?"

"Tomorrow at noon." Bakugo replied as his boyfriend cuddled into his side.

"I thought we were picking her up tonight?" Midoriya questioned in confusion.

"It's Iida's birthday?" Bakugo questioned in reply, positive he ran it by him. "We agreed we would pick her up tomorrow and keep her until Friday when Momo comes home."

"Ahh, right." Midoriya responded with a small sigh. "Sorry, I'm just tired." He mumbled as he buried his head deeper into his boyfriend's arm.

"Do you want to go to bed?" The blond questioned, not caring that it was barely eight at night.

"No, I have a lot of homework to do." Midoriya responded, yawning quietly.

"Is it due tomorrow?" Bakugo questioned. He lifted his arm, letting his boyfriend fall into his chest. He rested his arm around his shoulders, holding him tightly.

"No." Midoriya responded honestly. "I have three assignments due this week, the rest are due next week."

"Have you eaten today?" Bakugo questioned, already knowing the answer. He had back-to-back classes today, went to court, went straight to NA, then went and saw Nero. He hadn't had the chance to do much else.

"No." He responded with a heavy sigh. He pushed himself away from his boyfriend, knowing he was going to make him go eat.

"I'll make you something." Bakugo said with a soft smile. "Why don't you go to the office and work on some homework for a bit? How long do you think it will take you to complete your assignments?"

"The first one I want to work on will only take me thirty minutes since I'm almost done with it. The other two will definitely take me a few hours." He informed, standing up from the couch.

"How about you just finish the first one tonight? You can start working on the other ones tomorrow." The blond suggested as he held his hand out. Midoriya nodded as he extended his hand to grab his boyfriend. The blond was his voice of reason most of the time. He was still struggling to understand that not everything had to be done in one day. He constantly needed to be reminded to take everything one step at a time.

"What are you making for dinner?" The green haired man asked while his boyfriend pulled him to his feet.

"I was thinking of reheating the curry rice from yesterday, but adding fresh vegetables." Bakugo said with a soft smile, bending his head down to kiss his boyfriend on the cheek. "Is that okay?"

"Sounds great." Midoriya said with another yawn. Bakugo released his hand, letting him head to the office to get to work. The blond walked to the kitchen, pulling out the leftovers from yesterday. He lazily threw them in the microwave before grabbing fresh vegetables from the drawer. While the rice was re-heating, he rinsed the vegetables before slowly slicing them. He could hear his boyfriend groaning in the other room, signaling his assignment was coming out as he was hoping.

He was trying his best to help him, but he wasn't sure how to anymore. His boyfriend was biting off more than he could chew and he was stressing himself out too much. If he could just take a minute to relax, he wouldn't be this stressed and would be able to finish everything he needed to finish. The main problem was that he kept messing up on the simple things because his mind was absolutely everywhere else. He thought about taking him out of town for a weekend when Yaoyorozu got home since she was going to be keeping Sora for two full weeks, but he knew his boyfriend would never agree to it. Not only did he have work, but he also had homework and an NA meeting on Friday.

With a heavy sigh, he grabbed the rice and slowly mixed in the vegetables. When everything was mixed properly, he grabbed a plate for his boyfriend, filling it a little more than halfway. If Midoriya saw too much food on his plate, he would get anxious and end up not eating any of it. He grabbed a plate for himself but quickly decided against it. He would eat later, but he wanted to take care of his boyfriend first. He grabbed his plate and a bottle of water from the fridge and took them both to the office. He smiled at his boyfriend, who was working hard. The laptop was open in front of him, he had his textbook to his right of him and a notepad to the left.

"I brought your food." Bakugo said as he walked towards the desk, setting the plate down behind his notebook.

"You don't want me to come and eat with you?" Midoriya questioned with a cocked brow. Despite how busy their schedules were, they always tried to sit down together for dinner. If Midoriya worked late, then they would do breakfast instead.

"No." The blond shook his head, setting down the water bottle as well. "I just want you to finish your assignment. How much longer do you think you'll he?"

"Another ten or fifteen minutes maybe." Midoriya responded with a shrug. "I'm proofreading and fact-checking a few things, so I'll be done soon."

"Okay, I'll come back in fifteen minutes." The blond said before turning around and walking out of the office so his boyfriend could concentrate. He walked into the kitchen, sliding the rest of the food into a small container. He ate a few hours ago, so he wasn't incredibly hungry. He figured he would take it to work tomorrow instead and have a snack later if he got hungry again. He put the food into the fridge and tossed the dirty dishes into the sink, promising himself that he would do them tomorrow.

He walked to the bathroom, turning on the water in the tub. He made sure it was hot before plugging the drain, letting the tub fill up. He grabbed whatever bottle of bubble bath his boyfriend used when he was stressed and added it to the tub. He wasn't entirely sure what scent it was since it was a plain bottle, but if he had to take a guess, it was probably cinnamon. While the tub continued filling, he grabbed two towels, setting them on the bathroom sink. He grabbed his phone from his pocket, quickly searching for a quiet and relaxing playlist. When the music began filling the tiled bathroom, he set that on the sink as well. He walked over to the light switches, turning the main light off and just leaving the light above the sink on. He looked around the dimly lit room, feeling pleased with himself. He walked back over to the tub and turned the water off when it was at the perfect height.

"How's it going, babe?" Bakugo questioned loudly as he walked into the hallway and towards the office.

"I'm done," Midoriya said with a small yawn as he stood from the chair, grabbing his empty dishes.

"Leave them there," Bakugo ordered gently. He figured he would come and collect the dishes after their bath while his boyfriend was getting ready for bed. He just wanted his boyfriend to relax for a little while and get some sleep. "I'll grab them when I do dishes later."

"Are you sure?" Midoriya questioned in confusion as he set the dishes back down. The blond nodded in reply as he held up his hand, using his index finger to tell his boyfriend to come to him.

"Is everything okay?" Midoriya questioned as he walked around the desk.

"Everything is fine." The blond reassured as he grabbed his boyfriend's hand, placing a gentle kiss on the back of his hand before slowly pulling him to the bathroom. "We're going to take a relaxing bath and then you are going to get ready for bed while I clean up."

"I love you," Midoriya whispered as the sound of the quiet music filled his ears when they stepped into the bathroom.

"I love you more," Bakugo responded with a warm smile. "You're my everything."

The two spent the next hour relaxing in the warm water, laughing, kissing, washing, massaging each other, and giving themselves mohawks with bubbles until Midoriya was too tired to keep going. After the green haired man convinced his boyfriend that cleaning up could wait until tomorrow, the two settled into bed, falling asleep in each other's embraces.

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