It Will be Worth it

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Chapter 2 of 2 in dedication to Knightstar

Midoriya lowered his hand from the wall when he heard his neighbors shower turn off. He wiped the tears from his eyes, letting the water wash away the soap on his body. I miss you, Katsuki. He stepped out of the shower when there was no more soap falling to the floor. He grabbed his fluffy towel, wrapping it around his waist. He slowly made his way through the apartment to his bedroom, pausing when he stopped by his second bedroom. He pushed the door open and took a few steps inside. There was a twin-size mattress on a metal frame in the left corner. Next to the bed was a dark wooden nightstand with stacks of his old school work sitting on top of it. The right side of the room held several boxes from the floor to the ceiling, labeled with different holiday stuff and his parent's belongings that he wasn't ready to say goodbye to. He had this room set up when he moved in, just in case he had a friend who wanted to stay over, but he never did. The only real friend he had was Sero and he wasn't the type to stay over. He suddenly thought of all the other things this room could be used for, other than collecting dust and hoarding stuff he hadn't looked at in years.

He silently left the room, continuing to his room a few steps down and across the hall. He walked to the closet, grabbing a pair of jeans, a random T-shirt, and a pair of boxers before quickly getting dressed. He towel-dried his hair, knowing he didn't have to do anything else to it since his curls would appear on their own. He walked to the kitchen, grabbing his phone. He was off work for the day and decided to spend some much-needed time with his best friend. Unfortunately, he was going out with him and almost everybody else was going to be there. Fortunately, Bakugo was not. Sero was coming to pick him up for dinner in the next town over since he's still trying to lay low. He grabbed the small bottle of pills, dumping four into his hand. He tucked two of them inside the small pocket watch pocket in his jeans before setting the other two on his tongue. He walked to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of cold water. He downed the pills with the help of the water as a knocking sound echoed on the door. He walked to the door, opening it quickly to see Sero standing there.

"Hey, you ready?" His friend asked, looking him up and down. He usually looked like he hadn't slept in weeks when he saw him, but he never looked this bad. His bags under his eyes had bags and he looked thinner every time he saw him.

"Let me grab my keys and I'll be good to go." He responded, void of any emotion. His best friend nodded and stepped into his apartment. His apartment was clean, too clean honestly. It looked like nobody had lived there, other than the water bottle he had just set on the table. "Alright, I'm ready."

"Let's go then." Sero said sadly as he stepped back into the hallway, looking down the stairs. He was surprised to see Ashido slowly making her way up. He assumed she was going to Bakugo's since he doubted Midoriya was expecting her. Nobody had heard much from the fiery blond since he told them he was going to be a dad. He became distant and stopped reaching out and responding to everyone, which worried them to no end.

"Everybody else still coming?" The green haired man asked as he stepped into the hallway, stopping when he saw Ashido reach the top of the stairs.

"Hey Sero, Midoriya." She said with a happy smile.

"You should get a punch card." Midoriya said curtly before walking past his best friend and Ashido, heading down the stairs. She's been over to the blond's house every single night and he decided he'd rather hear Uraraka moaning his ex's name before listening to the pink haired woman anymore.

"Um, okay?" She questioned in confusion as she watched him walk out the front door.

"Sorry about that." Sero mumbled, looking down the stairs with sadness. This wasn't his best friend. This was somebody else walking in his body.

"It's whatever." She rolled her eyes before walking to the door across the hall, not even bothering to knock before walking inside. Sero let out a heavy sigh as he walked down the stairs, ready to figure out what the hell was going on with his best friend. When he saw Midoriya already sitting in the passenger seat, he walked around to the other side. He opened the driver's door, sliding into the seat.

"What the hell is going on?" He demanded, making no effort to start the car.

"We need to get out of town, you can't be seen here right now." Midoriya mumbled in reply, keeping his eyes fixated on his neighbor's window. "You should have sent Kirishima."

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's gotten in to you. I don't care if I get dragged out of this car by the chief of police."

"You'd really risk your life in jail just to figure out what's going on in my fucked up head?" His best friend scoffed.

"I was willing to deal again if Bakugo hadn't offered to buy for you, so I don't think I need to answer that question." Sero replied honestly. Midoriya was the only friend that stuck through his side when he went to rehab. He didn't get close to Bakugo, Kaminari, or Shinso until after he had been clean for a few weeks.

"Start driving." Midoriya let out a heavy sigh of defeat. If he didn't tell someone, it was going to eat him alive. Sero did as he was told and started the car, immediately getting the fuck out of the city. Just because he was willing to be caught so his best friend opened up, doesn't mean he wanted to.

"What's wrong?" Sero asked quietly.

"Truth? I fell in love with my stupid, arrogant, cocky sex-addicted neighbor." He admitted, not bothering to come up with a lie. "Turns out, he loves me as much as I love him." Tears started forming in his eyes as he recalled their conversation the last time they had spoken. "He couldn't be faithful to me and if Todoroki didn't cancel the deal with the dealers before leaving town, I would have slept with anybody if it meant they'd sell to me."

"Midoriya.." Sero whispered sadly. He didn't know where to start, it was a whole lot to unpack. He knew Bakugo was falling in love with his best friend, but he was hoping he would clean up his act before they got to this point, especially since he was going to be a father in the near future.

"I don't want your pity Sero." The freckled man whispered as he continued staring out his window. He brought his right hand up, wiping away the few tears that had managed to escape.

"I'm not going to give you my pity, I'm going to tell you the same thing I told him." He responded as he turned onto the highway. "You two could be in a real relationship, you just have to want it more than you want to speed and he has to want it more than he wants sex. If you both know you have feelings for each other, the rest is up to you. I assume he hasn't been around for the same reason you haven't been." Sero let out a heavy sigh as he pressed on the gas, entering the flow of traffic on the highway. "You two need to decide if you want to continue hurting each other or if you love each other enough to make it work."

"It's not that simple." Midoriya responded quietly as he turned to look at his best friend. He was relaxed in his seat with his left hand on the steering wheel and the right on the gear shift.

"It's not meant to be simple, but it will be worth it."

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