I Love You Enough

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Last one for the night!! I had a really rough day at work and I just wanted to give y'all a few chapters❤️

"You sure you want Bakugo to give you a ride?" Toshinori asked into the phone with a heavy sigh.

"He and his unborn child are the main reason I want to get clean and I think it's time I tell him that." Midoriya responded simply as he looked over the list of things his father emailed him, telling him what he could and couldn't bring.

"That's a lot to unpack, and I'm not the best person to give you advice on that." Toshinori responded. His son told him about his full relationship with the fiery blond and was on the fence. It sounded like he was a decent person, especially since he wasn't planning on running out on his daughter. However, it's hard to get past all of the baggage that would come with that relationship.

"I'll talk to my counselor while I'm there." Midoriya responded with a small smile. "I called my boss and told him the truth about where I was going."

"What did he say?" Toshinori questioned.

"He thanked me for confiding in him and that my job would be there when I was done." Which wasn't necessarily true. When he told his boss, he responded with "'It's about damn time.'" However, he wasn't going to tell his dad that his boss picked up on his nasty habits.

"That's good kiddo!" He said happily into the phone. "I'll let you finish packing. Meet me there at 1 PM and we'll get you signed in."

"Okay, thank you dad." Midoriya said softly.

"No problem kiddo. I'll see you soon."

"See you soon." He responded before hanging up the phone. He let out a heavy sigh as he dropped his phone into his back pocket. He zipped his duffle bag, picking it up and sliding it on his shoulder. He walked into the kitchen, taking a look around his place. He wasn't going to be gone all that long, but everything was going to change. He grabbed both bottles of pills from the top of the fridge, shoving them in his pocket. He took a deep breath and walked towards the door. He grabbed his keys off the hook before walking into the hallway. He hadn't talked to the blond or even asked him for a ride, so he was hoping he didn't have anything going on.

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves as he walked the few steps to the door across from his. He raised his hand and knocked on the door. He hadn't talked to him since he ran out on his yesterday, so he hoped he wasn't too mad at him. Bakugo opened the door quickly, anger showing on his face. He looked Midoriya up and down before his eyes settled on the duffle bag under his arm.

"You're talking to me now?" Bakugo asked curtly. He didn't like the guessing game when it came to the green haired man.

"Do you have any plans within the next hour, hour and a half?" Midoriya questioned as his hand gripped the strap of the duffle bag harder.

"Not within that time frame, no." Bakugo responded with a heavy sigh as he crossed his arms, leaning against the door frame.

"Can you give me a ride somewhere?" The freckled man asked quietly as he brought his left hand up, pushing his glasses up the ridge of his nose.

"You storm out on me yesterday, ignoring me as I practically cried and pleaded for you to come back and then you come to ask for a ride without apologizing?" Bakugo questioned with a cocked brow. Something else was going on inside the green haired man's head and it was driving him crazy.

"I'm sorry.. that's the best I can do at the moment." Midoriya responded nervously. "I can give you a proper apology and explanation on the way." He said. "Please." Bakugo let out a heavy sigh as he stepped into his apartment, leaving the door open for the green haired man to come inside. Midoriya stepped in the doorway, watching his crush put on his shoes before grabbing his keys from his nightstand.

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