Please Don't

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"Thank you for skipping Trig." Midoriya said as the two sat back to back on the rooftop, letting the gentle spring breeze blow through their hair.

"I was probably going to skip it anyway." Bakugo responded with a shrug. "What's going on?"

"Why haven't you really been talking to me this week?" The green haired man asked. "We were getting along just fine, but you stopped talking to me after we finished our project. I figured we wouldn't talk as much, but I wasn't expecting you to just stop talking to me in general. It kind of hurt you know."

"Because every time I see you, I get pissed off when I see a new bruise or scratch on you." The blond replied honestly as he let out a heavy sigh. It's only been a week and a half since Midoriya and Todoroki had gotten together, but there have been so many signs of abuse and it killed Bakugo to see it. "You had claw marks on your face earlier this week, a small bruise near your eye, and don't think I didn't see that burn mark on your wrist." He scoffed.

"Fair enough." Midoriya responded with a nervous laugh.

"Not to mention before you went to his house, I could hear him yelling at you a lot and I know he's told you to stay away from me."

"How do you know he's said that?" Midoriya questioned.

"I've heard him say it twice. The last thing I wanted to do was be a reason he hit you." Just because he was a sex addict, didn't mean he was a horrible person. He genuinely had a good heart and cared about the people in his life. There was no problem as long as he kept all relationships platonic.

"Sero left you know. I don't get to see him much anymore and you're my only other friend." Midoriya whispered sadly.

"Aren't you friends with Kirishima, Kaminari and Shinso?"

"Kirishima, kind of. Kaminari and Shinso are acquaintances at best. I only know any of them because of Sero." He explained. "I don't want you to worry about me like that, I'm hoping I won't be with him much longer."

"Why are you with him now? Sounds like you don't want to be."

"I'm with him now because nobody will sell to me anymore, not since Sero left." He began with a heavy sigh. "Todoroki apparently offered everyone double if they agreed to not sell to me anymore."

"Why the hell would he do that?" Bakugo scoffed. "Does hate you that much for dumping his sorry ass?" He couldn't imagine anybody being that petty after they were caught cheating.

"He hates me for what I did after I dumped him." Midoriya said with a heavy sigh. Looking back now, he should have just left it the way it ended, but he was so mad and hurt that he decided to push it one step further.

"What did you do?" Bakugo asked, not being able to imagine him doing anything bad enough to put up with this.

"There was this girl that was in our friend group a while ago." Midoriya started with a heavy sigh. "She and he got into a huge fight in her apartment building one day and he pushed her down the stairs. She was eight and a half months pregnant and ended up losing the baby."

"Isn't that considered fetal homicide since she decided to carry to full term?" Bakugo questioned with shock, trying to comprehend how somebody could do such a terrible thing.

"Where we live, yes." Midoriya responded as he thought back to the awful day his old friend called him in tears, begging him to come grab his crazy ex. "Todoroki paid her off in agreement that she would never tell anybody, but he didn't pay me. I got ahold of the security footage from the hallway and showed his dad. I then told him every terrible thing his son had ever done to me."

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