Whatever it Takes

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"Are you heading there now?" Midoriya questioned nervously into the phone.

"Yeah, I'm about five minutes away." Bakugo replied with a loud groan. "What time can I visit you today?" He questioned. Midoriya hit the ten-day mark four days ago and was finally allowed to have visitors. Unfortunately, the blond hadn't had the chance to visit him yet. He had appointments with Yaoyorozu one day, his interview for the internship at CPS the second day, and on the third day he was busy signing the paperwork and going through the lease for the new apartment they were going to be renting. Today, he made plans, but he planned them early enough so he could still go see the green-haired man.

"Around two this afternoon." Midoriya responded with a content smile. "I get to go home next week."

"You excited, nervous?" Bakugo questioned as he turned his volume up on his radio to hear him better.

"Both." He responded instantly. "Excited to see you every day and get back to work and hanging out with our friends, but nervous. It's different when you're in here you know. You can't do anything, there's no temptation. Out there, anything can set me off. I know it's silly because I wasn't addicted to a hardcore drug, but I relied on it for so long that I'm not positive how to live without it."

"We'll just take it one step at a time." Bakugo responded with a sad smile, understanding what he meant. He hardly knew who he was anymore without sex.

"Have you had anymore slip ups?" Midoriya questioned sadly, hoping he didn't.

"No." Bakugo responded honestly. Two days after visiting Yaoyorozu, he ended up making a big mistake and slept with Ashido again. It lasted a whole 25 minutes and he cried for an hour after she left. He had never felt so low and disgusted with himself after having sex with someone. He felt like he was walking in somebody else's skin, like he was in a body that wasn't his own. After telling his therapist about it, he told him the same thing he had been telling him since day one, which was to go see his father.

"That's good." Midoriya responded happily. "I'm proud of you Katsuki."

"I'm proud of you too." The blond responded with a sad smile.

"I'm not sure if you've talked about this with your therapist or not, but I have a question." Midoriya started nervously.

"What's up?" Bakugo questioned as he turned onto his father's street, the street he grew up on.

"I know you're going to eventually kick the addiction, but I know you wouldn't want to give sex up forever. How will you know when you're ready to try again for the first time?" He asked nervously.

"Already trying to get in my pants?" Bakugo questioned with a smirk. Midoriya laughed on the other end of the phone, causing the blond to smile. He missed his laugh. "Nero said depending on how things go today, we can start moving forward tomorrow. He said I won't know until it does happen. It could be a few days, weeks, or even a couple of months. I'm sure he'll make me an entire schedule before you come home." He explained. He didn't know when he would be ready, he only knew he wasn't thinking that far ahead. He's gotten a lot of it under control, but that doesn't mean his addiction went away. Sex was still on his mind 24/7 and he's invited people over several times but hasn't been able to go through with it since Ashido. It's taking everything he has to fight his addiction, but he's trying his best.

"Well, we'll take it one step at a time." Midoriya repeated the words the blond told him earlier.

"Have you decided whether or not you're going to have sponsor?" Bakugo asked, changing the focus off of himself.

"I don't think I want too." Midoriya replied honestly. "I want to try and just be with you. If it turns out I need one, I can always call my dad and he'll figure it out for me. I feel like the faster I put this behind me, the better I'll feel."

"We're going to have to keep each other in line." Bakugo said with a small laugh as he spotted the light yellow house he grew up in.

"I'll keep you from ripping my clothes off until you think you might be ready." Midoriya said with a smile. He was of course going to miss the mind-blowing sex, but he wouldn't do anything to compromise everything the blond is working so hard for.

"And I'll do whatever you need me to do to help you stay clean." Bakugo responded as he parked his car on the street. "I just parked, so I have to go if I want to see you later." He whispered slowly as his eyes locked onto the pristine white door. He noticed the door and a lot of the windows have been replaced since they are no longer covered with wood and cardboard.

"Okay.. I love you Katsuki, good luck." Midoriya said in a soothing tone. He couldn't see the blond, but he could hear his mood drop in the way he spoke.

"I love you too." The blond replied before ending the call. With a shaky hand, he turned his car off and pulled the keys out of the ignition. He took a deep breath in an attempt to calm his nerves as he opened his car door and stepped into the humid summer air. It was one of those days that would have fogged Midoriya's glasses up when he stepped out of the cold car.

He made his way up the sidewalk, looking over the yard. Everything was so different from the last time he was there. The grass looked freshly mowed, not like it hadn't been done in four years. He was pretty sure they had all sorts of creatures living in his front yard at one point. The dead flowers in the flower bed had all been ripped out and new ones had been planted. Roses, zinnias, marigolds, and cosmos in several different colors were spread along both sides of the house. The old tan shutters had been replaced with new white ones. He questioned if this was the same home he grew up in and if his father still lived there. The last time he slammed the door in his dad's face, he told him he would always be at this house if he ever wanted to talk. He could only hope that was still true.

He stopped in front of the door, looking into the small windows that were covered with sheer white curtains. He couldn't see through them all that well, but he didn't see scattered beer cans everywhere. He raised his hand to ring the doorbell, pausing before pressing it. His father hated the doorbell because of how loud the sound was, always said it was like nails on a chalkboard to him. He let out a shaky breath and knocked lightly on the door. He half hoped his father wasn't home or didn't live here anymore, but Nero said it was vital to his recovery process that he talked to him and he was desperate to make his need for sex go away.

His heart began beating faster when he heard the deadbolt unlocking. His heart was telling him to turn and run back to his car, but his brain was telling him he needed to stay. He clenched his fists by his sides when the doorknob started turning. It was now or never since he knew if he left before talking to his father, he was never going to come back. For Izuku. For Sora. He said to himself as the door flung open, revealing a tall, slim brunette. Her dark messy curls fell around his porcelain skin, ending at the top of her shoulder blades.

"Can I help you?" She asked sweetly with a confused face.

"Is Masaru here?" Bakugo asked quietly, suddenly not able to withstand the gaze from her dark brown eyes.

"Yes, I can grab him." She said as she went to shut the door slightly, not yet allowing the blond in the house. "Who should I tell him is here?" She asked.

"His son."

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