So Much to Lose

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Part 2 of the double update!!

"If it was just a prank and they admitted that I didn't know about them, I don't know why I'm still here." Midoriya said with a groan as he dropped his head on the table.

"We've already called your boyfriend as you asked, and he is on the way. We just have a few more questions for you." The female officer that slapped the cuffs on his wrist said with a small smile as she sat opposite of him at the interrogation table.

"Like what?" Midoriya questioned with a heavy sigh as he leaned back in his chair, the handcuffs chaffing against his wrists uncomfortably. They refused to take them off until his ride was here since he was arrested for being violent and disturbing the peace.

"You said you're a recovering drug addict, and I want to know where you got your drugs. Who was your dealer?" She asked. He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"That's a quick way to get someone killed." He replied. "You've got me for disturbing the peace and probably a misdemeanor for fighting Todoroki. I'll pay my fines and go to my court date when I receive the letter. I'm not talking about my past drug life. I've worked too hard to go back to that." Before she could say anything else, another officer opened the door, telling him his ride was here and he was free to leave. Midoriya pushed himself to his feet and left the room, not caring if the other officer had anything else to say.

"You'll receive a letter in the mail within the next week, letting you know when your court date is."

"And Todoroki? What's happening with him?" Midoriya questioned as they walked into the lobby area, where his boyfriend was waiting for him with Kirishima. The look of anger and disapproval on his face was enough to let the green-haired man know he was in serious trouble.

"He violated his restraining order when he stepped onto a campus he didn't attend and went near you. He followed you around the campus for a bit, and he is being held without bail until his trial because of other concerning things that I can't disclose."

"And Uraraka?" Midoriya questioned as the officer reached down, unlocking the cuffs on his wrists. He began rubbing his wrists, trying to make the swelling go down.

"That's still to be determined. We'll let you know what we can when we can, but we can't disclose much until you press charges." He explained. "Honestly, kid, I'd get a good lawyer. I'd get a good lawyer if everything you've said is true and you can prove it."

"I'm planning on it." He responded. The officer handed him his bag before releasing him to his boyfriend. He walked towards his boyfriend and Kirishima nervously, not liking the look on either of their faces. He knew Bakugo would be with someone since his car was still on campus.

"Kiri is going to take us to the car and then we're going home." He said with disappointment in his voice.


"What the hell were you thinking?" Bakugo questioned in anger when they were both shut in their car after Kirishima had dropped them off.

"That Uraraka put drugs in my bag because Todoroki told her to." He responded as his boyfriend turned the car on. "She said it was a prank, but we both fucking know that's not a thing. She either wanted you to find it or me to find it and take it. I'm fucking tired of them fucking everything up!" He said with frustration.

"You should have let Iida and the police handle it." He spat in reply as he put the car in drive, speeding out of the parking lot.

"Why? So his dad can pay his way out of it again? I'm tired of him getting away with everything." He replied as Bakugo pulled into the street, cutting across three lanes. The cars behind them laid on their horns as he began weaving in and out of traffic in the busy city.

"If he presses charges, you know you could face jail time?" Bakugo asked curtly.

"A whole 30 days? That would be worth it." Midoriya said as the blond slammed on his brakes harshly and switched to another lane after someone in front of him was attempting to make a left turn. Midoriya's hands flew to the dash when his seat belt didn't lock.

"Slow down!" Midoriya yelled as the blond was speeding down the road. The blond didn't listen as he continued driving home. "Katsuki!" He yelled when his boyfriend cut a car off extremely close. "You're scaring me!"

"Good!" Bakugo yelled angrily as he turned his four ways on, quickly pulling to the side of the road. "Because you're fucking scaring me." He said as he turned to look at his boyfriend. Midoriya was so caught up with everything that was happening that he wasn't paying attention to his boyfriend. Bakugo had tears rolling down his face and dark bags under his eyes.

"Do you know what you would miss if you went to jail for 30 days tomorrow?" Bakugo asked as the tears continued to fall down his face. "You would miss Sora. You would miss the day she came to this world." Midoriya frowned as he listened to his boyfriend carefully. "You're supposed to be there for Sora. You're supposed to be there for me." He whispered as his sobs grew louder. "I know you're under a lot of s-stress, and I know you're still adjusting to l-life without drugs, but p-please don't leave S-Sora and me behind." Midoriya felt the heartbreak in his chest while his boyfriend sobbed in the driver's seat.

"I don't want you getting into fist fights and doing stupid stuff. I get you w-were mad; I really do. But I can't afford to lose you. I l-love you." Bakugo whispered.

"I'm sorry Katsuki." Midoriya whispered as tears began pooling in his eyes as well. He reached over the center console, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders. "I-I'll do better. I want to be there for y-you and Sora. I love you so much." He sobbed as he squeezed his boyfriend tighter in his arms.

Midoriya hated Todoroki and Uraraka. He wanted to say he regretted beating Todoroki up, but he didn't. He knew he wouldn't do it again because his boyfriend was right. He didn't need to be sitting in a jail cell. He needed to be at home, ready to welcome Sora to the world with her dad. He had responsibilities, and he couldn't fall down a self-destructive path. Not when there was so much to lose.

Available now- Right Where I needed to be.

This is my angsty BakuDeku and it is officially up and rolling. You can find the first two chapters on my page now!!

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