Is it Worth the Pain?

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⚠️Slight Domestic Violence⚠️

"We're really doing this over the phone?" Bakugo scoffed as he sat in his bed with his laptop in front of him. "Why can't I just come over?"

"Because I have a guest." Midoriya responded. When Todoroki had woke up that morning, he demanded the blond couldn't come over. If he disobeyed, he would lose a pill and he couldn't do that since he was barely getting enough as is.

"He's still there?" Bakugo scoffed in reply.

"Yeah, he's going to be for a while." The green haired man responded quietly.

"Are you still going with me to Sero and Kirishima's place next weekend?"

"I was riding with you, not going with you." Midoriya responded immediately since Todoroki was sitting next to him at the table. "And I'm not entirely sure yet, but maybe we should get to work. I just sent our conclusion that I wrote."

"Alright, I'll look over that if you want to look over the intro that I wrote." Bakugo replied as he emailed him the intro he wrote a few days ago. While the two were looking over their final pieces for their project, Todoroki reached over and hit the mute button on his boyfriend's phone.

"You know, for only being a project partner, you two sound very close." He commented in a snarky tone. "After this, we're going to my house."

"I thought we weren't going until tomorrow." Midoriya replied, keeping his eyes focused on his computer, correcting a few spelling and grammar issues along the way. Todoroki lifted his hand, roughly grabbing his boyfriend's chin, and turning his head to face him.

"You look at me when I'm talking to you." He spat with venom as his boyfriend's green eyes locked onto his.

"Get off of me." Midoriya said curtly as he brought his hand up, attempting to move his boyfriend's hand off of his face. Instead of Todoroki letting go, he tightened his grip, digging his nails into his skin.

"When you're done, we're going to my house. I'll go pack you a bag." He said through clenched teeth as he released his grip.

"Okay.." He whispered in reply. "I'll finish this quickly then." He brought his hand up to his face, feeling where his boyfriend dug his nails into his skin. He felt something tacky and pulled his hand away, seeing a small amount of blood on his fingertips.

"Good boy." Todoroki responded as he stood from his seat, scraping the legs of the chair on the floor. He watched the tears pool in his boyfriend's eyes, not even fazed. He walked towards the bedroom, leaving the green haired man alone. Midoriya took a deep breath, knowing his boyfriend would give him an extra pill later to make up for his behavior. It still hurt, but it made it hurt a whole lot less.

"Conclusions looks good." Bakugo said, causing Midoriya to jump. In the heat of the moment, he completely forgot he was on the phone. He wiped his tears away as he unmuted the phone.

"Intro looks good too, I edited a few spelling and grammar errors. I'll send it back to you." He whispered sadly into the phone.

"Are you okay?" Bakugo questioned. He had never heard this kind of hurt in his neighbor's voice until now.

"Do you ever feel like your addiction isn't worth the pain?" Midoriya questioned as he picked his phone up, taking it off speaker. "Like it isn't worth all the pain you go through?" He asked quietly, trying to keep his boyfriend from hearing him.

"I have been a lot recently." The blond replied honestly. "We'll have to have a back-to-back soon so I can tell you all about it."

"That'd be nice. I have some things I need to get off my chest too." The green haired man informed with a sad smile.

"How long is your guest going to be there?" Bakugo asked, hoping he would be able to see his crush soon.

"We're going to his house for the week." Midoriya informed with a nervous sigh.

"You're going to his house?" Bakugo questioned in surprise.

"Yeah. We decided to stay at his house for the week and then come back here. I'll see you in psych tomorrow though."

"So what, you've got a boyfriend now?" The blond questioned as he laid back on his bed, closing his eyes. All he could see were the beautiful green eyes staring back at him.

"Yeah." Midoriya responded in a whisper. "I've gotta go, but I'll see you in psych tomorrow."

"Wait!" Bakugo shouted suddenly. "Can I see you before you go?" He asked, immediately regretting what came out of his mouth.

"Todoroki's ready, so I have to get going." He replied with a frown as he looked at his boyfriend. The only thing stopping him from going across the hall and seeing his neighbor was his addiction.

"Okay.. see you tomorrow then." The blond said curtly as he ended the call, not bothering to wait until the other man responded. Upon learning who his boyfriend was, he was more furious than he was now. He didn't sleep with Uraraka because of what he and Todoroki had done to the green haired man, but he just got back with his ex like it was nothing? He scrolled through his contacts, aimlessly looking for someone he knew would come over within the next ten minutes for a hookup. He smirked when he saw one of his friend's names, knowing he was going to get a quick response out of him, even if he had to deal with his creepy boyfriend watching. He hit call and set the phone against his ear.

"Hey Bakugo, what's up?" Kaminari questioned as he answered the phone.

"Hey, does your boyfriend still have a thing for watching you have sex with other people?" Bakugo asked bluntly, jumping straight to the point.

"Yeah, why?" Kaminari asked, smiling like an idiot on the other line.

"Get your asses over here then." The fiery blond said with a smirk as he pushed himself from his bed, moving all of his school stuff to his desk.

"We're at the gas station around the corner, we'll be there in two minutes." The sound of their car starting echoed through the phone.

"Perfect, see you soon." Bakugo said before ending the call. He opened his nightstand, and grabbed a bottle of lube and a couple of condoms, throwing them on the bed. He walked to his bathroom, stripping down to his boxers and grabbing a washcloth. He wet it down and added some soap and lightly ran it over his body. When he was done, he put some deodorant on and went back out to the main part of his apartment. He listened to the footsteps on the stairs, trying to see if they were going up or down. When he realized they were going up, he opened his door, not caring that he was in his boxers.

"Wow, you're eager." Kaminari commented with a cocked brow as they walked past him and into his small apartment. Bakugo wasted no time as he shut the door. He set his hand on Shinso's chest, pushing him towards his desk, forcing him to sit in his chair. He was still filled with rage and the addiction has fully taken over. He turned to Kaminari, walking towards him quickly. When he was in front of him, he wasted absolutely no time as he smashed their lips together.

Kaminari got the hint that he didn't want to be sweet and take his time today, so he began unbuttoning his shirt while Bakugo worked on his jeans. When his clothes were undone, they were hastily thrown onto the floor. The fiery blond set his hands on Kaminari's chest, shoving him onto the bed harshly before crawling on top of him, continuing to kiss him fiercely as he began grinding their hips together. His right hand trailed down, slipping Kaminari's boxers off, letting his rock-hard member spring to life.

"We need to turn for Hitoshi to see properly." Kaminari reminded as he heard Bakugo open the bottle of lube.

"Then turn." He ordered in a husky voice as he rubbed lube between his first three fingers to warm it up a bit. "Deep breaths, let me know if I need to stop." He reminded.

"You know, for being a ruthless sex god, you're actually kind of nice." Kaminari said with a teasing smirk, knowing he was only going to make the fiery blond rougher.

"You're going to regret saying that." Bakugo replied as he roughly pushed Kaminari's legs up, showing off his puckered hole to his boyfriend. "I'm going to destroy you tonight."

"We look forward to it." Shinso smirked at his boyfriend's words as he sat back and enjoyed the show.

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