A Better Mindset

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"Nero said talking to my dad was going to help, but I wasn't expecting it to help like that." Bakugo said with a small sigh as he sat next to his boyfriend outback once more. It was their preferred place to talk. It was a lot quieter than inside and the trees gave them plenty of shade.

"Maybe your sex addiction wasn't really an addiction." Midoriya responded as he slowly picked the grass next to him on the floor. "Maybe you were just always trying to please him from a distance."

"Am I that easy to read?" The blond groaned.

"No." Midoriya shook his head as he looked at the man next to him. He could fall in love with those ruby eyes over and over. "I just spent five years studying this stuff. I know how to dig and read in the very back of someone's mind."

"It's weird.. to finally think about something other than sex." Bakugo said with a light laugh. "I thought about it so long that I don't know what else to do. I don't have any other hobbies."

"You're going to have your hands full being a dad in about two months." Midoriya said with a warm smile. He stopped picking at the grass as he leaned back, shifting to his side to keep the sun out of his eyes.

"You will too you know." Bakugo said with a small laugh as he leaned back onto the grass as well. He looked to the side, connecting his eyes with Midoriya's bright green irises. "Where's your glasses?"

"I put my contacts in today." Midoriya replied with a shrug. "I hated wearing them because I was always so sleep deprived and it hurt to wear them, but that's not a problem anymore."

"Do you like your contacts more?" Bakugo questioned. He didn't care what he wore, he still thought he was handsome either way.

"I think so." Midoriya said with a small smile. "I don't struggle with glares or anything like that." He added. "Any plans for Monday?" He asked as he scooted closer to his boyfriend, snuggling into his side.

"Other than cuddling the fuck out of you, no. You ended up staying 25 days instead of 21 and I should have been cuddling you three days ago." Bakugo responded with a small laugh as he lifted his arm, throwing it around the green haired man. "We get the keys for our new place on Wednesday though."

"So I know what we're doing Monday and Wednesday, but anything going on on Tuesday?"

"Not that I'm aware of, why?" Bakugo asked as a loud buzzer sounded outside. The buzzer meant that visiting hours were almost over.

"I'm supposed to go to lunch with my dad and I was wondering if you wanted to join us? He wants to get to know you." He asked nervously. Meeting the parents was another step that was considered big, but they were doing everything backward and out of order anyway.

"I'd love to." Bakugo responded softly as another buzzer went off.

"I have to go back inside." Midoriya groaned as he sat up. "Thank you for coming to see me."

"Of course." Bakugo responded as he pushed himself to his feet. He extended his hand for his boyfriend to grab it. "I'll see you Monday morning at 10."

"Can't wait." Midoriya smiled brightly before leaning in, placing a quick peck against his lips. The staff wasn't fond of them kissing, but he didn't care. He was almost done anyway. "I love you."

"I love you more."


"What are you most scared of when you leave?" Mei questioned as she sat in her office with Midoriya.

"Relapse." He responded immediately.

"What are the main reason that people relapse?" She questioned. Midoriya had been through hundreds of hours of therapy while he was there, and he learned a lot.

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