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I don't know about y'all, but I'm not ready to post the end of this story😭 It's been amazing writing this story for all of you and I hope you enjoyed it❤️

"I should have come sooner and I'm sorry that I didn't, I didn't know how to face you," Midoriya whispered softly as he sat on the ground in front of his mother's grave, picking the grass by his feet. "I have so much that I want to tell you." He smiled. "I met the love of my life and we got married two years ago. We have a beautiful daughter who just turned five, her name is Sora. She's a little spitfire. The older she gets the more she looks like Katsuki. We actually decided to have another baby, but the situation is a little weird. Sora's biological mother remarried her ex-husband. She was always told that she wouldn't be able to have kids, but that isn't necessarily true. She and her husband kept trying and trying, but they were having miscarriage after miscarriage. Turns out, she can have a baby, just not with him. We co-parent so well with Sora, we decided to give it another go." He smiled. "This baby is mine and Momo's, but he's going to have four great parents."  He explained. He wasn't sure why he was telling all of this to a tombstone, but it surprisingly made him feel better. "When they're old enough to understand everything, I'll bring them by and tell them all about you. How you were the best mother in existence and the absolute best cook." A single tear fell down his face as he thought back to the happy childhood he had before he became a drug addict.

"I think the most important thing that I wanted to tell you was I got clean." He whispered as he pulled his five-year chip from his pocket that he had gotten a few months back. He leaned forward, placing it on the edge of her tombstone. "I'm sorry that I couldn't do it back then and I'm sorry that I wasn't able to show you this side of me." He said as the tears began falling down his face faster. "I'm sorry you weren't able to meet Katsuki or your grandkids. I'm sorry that you weren't able to see me graduate and become an addiction counselor." He whispered as he sobbed loudly. He pushed the guilt he felt to the back of his mind for years, but it was something he needed to face. Nero told him that years ago. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself until he did. "I'm so fucking sorry for killing you." He cried. As soon as those words left his mouth, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his shoulders, holding him tightly.

"You didn't kill her Izuku," Bakugo whispered into his ear. "Remember what Nero said. She was struggling with coping because of your dad and she had a lot going on. Do not blame yourself for something that you think you did when you were a kid." He reminded softly as he kissed the back of his head. Nero knew that him being an addict was the thing that finally pushed her over the edge. However, after learning more about their situation, he knew she was already on the edge and it was honestly only a matter of time because she refused help after her husband passed.

Midroiya didn't say anything as he relaxed into his husband's chest, waiting for the tears to slow down. Bakugo wasn't sure if he sat there holding his husband for ten minutes or if it had been three hours. The only thing he knew was that he wasn't going to let go until he was done. When Midoriya's tears slowed down, he wiped his eyes. He leaned forward, pulling himself out of his husband's grasp. He slowly turned around, looking into his ruby red eyes. Every problem he ever had always seemed less when he got lost in his husbands eyes.

"We have a new foster placement coming today," Midoriya whispered as he bent forward, resting his head on his husband. "We should get going."

"Are you sure you're ready to leave?" Bakugo questioned in reply. "I can go back to the car if you need more time."

"I want to go home," Midoriya whispered. "Please take me home."

"Let's go then."

-------5 Years Later------

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